An AWFUL LOT of fantasy, and even some great fantasy, FALLS into the mistake of assuming that a good man will be a good king, that all that is necessary is to be a DECENT human being and when you're king everything will GO swimmingly.

Author - George R. R. Martin

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Posted on 05 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Society related to George R. R. Martin. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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Positivism Eliminates Any Kind Of Natural LAW PRINCIPLE - For Example, That There Are Economic Laws Which Can Be Transgressed Only At Your Peril. With Positivism, There Is A Tendency To LEAP Into AD Hoc Economic THEORY.


Artists To My MIND Are The Real Architects Of CHANGE, And Not The POLITICAL Legislators Who Implement Change After The Fact.


The Discovery Of HIV In 1983 And The Proof That It Was The Cause Of AIDS In 1984 Were The First MAJOR SCIENTIFIC Breakthroughs That PROVIDED A Specific Target For Blood-screening Tests And Opened The DOORWAY To The Development Of Antiretroviral Medications.


An Abundant Supply Of Excellent WATER, Forming A VOLUME EQUAL In Bulk To The Human Body, Is Conveyed By One Of These Pipes, And Distributed About The City, Where It Is Used By The Inhabitants For DRINK And Other Purposes.


You've GOT To Be A Thermostat RATHER Than A Thermometer. A Thermostat SHAPES The CLIMATE Of OPINION; A Thermometer Just Reflects It.


There Are Fully FORTY Towers, Which Are Lofty And WELL BUILT, The Largest Of Which Has Fifty STEPS LEADING To Its Main Body, And Is Higher Than The Tower Of The Principal Tower Of The Church At Seville.


The Attainment Of The Present STATUS Of THAILAND Has To DEPEND On The Ability Or The Actions Of All The Inhabitants Of The COUNTRY.

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