CERTAINLY all historical experience confirms the truth - that MAN would not have attained the possible UNLESS time and again he had REACHED out for the IMPOSSIBLE.

Author - Max Weber

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I Think The Press Has An INTEREST In COMMUNICATING To Its Viewers Or Readers, And Their Viewers Or Readers Drive Profit For Those NEWS Organizations, So I Think Those News Organizations Have A Certain Bias TOWARD Their Own Readers. Yeah, I Think They Are A Special Interest. Of COURSE They Are.

CONFIDENCE Is A LOT Of This GAME Or Any Game. If You Don't THINK You Can, You Won't.
CONSERVATION MEANS The Wise Use Of The EARTH And Its Resources For The Lasting Good Of Men.

Every Great Work, Every BIG Accomplishment, Has Been Brought Into MANIFESTATION Through Holding To The Vision, And Often Just Before The Big Achievement, Comes Apparent Failure And Discouragement.


It Doesn't Matter If I Go On CBS, PBS Or FOX. WHOEVER Is Interviewing Me Is Going To Want To Create Some CONFLICT In The Story, Or It's Not Interesting. That's Just The WAY The News Is.


I Don't THINK That The PRESS In 2004 Was Any More UNFAIR To BUSH Than They Were To Kerry.

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I think the press has an INTEREST in COMMUNICATING to its viewers or readers, and their viewers or readers drive profit for those NEWS organizations, so I think those news organizations have a certain bias TOWARD their own readers. Yeah, I think they are a special interest. Of COURSE they are.

Author - Mark McKinnon
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When we label human BEINGS and flatten them to just a splashy HEADLINE, we LOSE decency and the truth.

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Try to forget what objects you have before you - a tree, a house, a field, or whatever. MERELY THINK, 'Here is a little SQUARE of blue, here an oblong of pink, here a streak of yellow,' and paint it just as it looks to you, the exact color and shape, until it GIVES you your own impression of the scene before you.

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I swear I will do EVERYTHING in my POWER to CHANGE the SITUATION in Tibet where human rights are being suppressed. Tibet seeks freedom and democracy and we agree on those values.

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