Fine art is that in which the HAND, the head, and the HEART of MAN go TOGETHER.

Author - John Ruskin

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Posted on 27 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Happiness related to John Ruskin. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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When It BLOWS Here, EVEN The Seagulls WALK.

ANYONE Who Is SECURE About Herself Shouldn't Be THREATENED By The Ads I Do.
YES, I Would Say My COMEDY Is Grunge, Evidenced By The Fact My JOKES Have Put An END To Big-hair Glam Comedy.

I Told Myself That If I Went To Compton High, And I MADE Something Out Of The School, It WOULD Mean Something To Me Later Down The Line Because I Started Everything. And FUTURE Kids Would Say, 'DeMar Made It Here; Why Can't I?' I WANTED To Stay HOME.


When You Read About A Car CRASH In Which Two Or THREE Youngsters Are Killed, Do You PAUSE To DWELL On The Amount Of Love And TREASURE And Patience Parents Poured Into Bodies No Longer Suitable For Open Caskets?


I Don't Have Any Elaborate UNIFORMS; I Come To The Ring In A T-SHIRT, A PAIR Of SNEAKERS And Some Shorts.


We're Just Going To Come Out And PLAY. We Know That We're Supposed To WIN All The GAMES, But If We Don't, We Just Have To Take The Next GAME And Focus On What We Did Wrong In The Game Before And Just Try To Do Better At The Next Game.


Guys With Bigger Boobs Than I Have WALK Around, And They're Fine. If WOMEN Were To Do That, They Could GO To JAIL. That's Totally WRONG.

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I told myself that if I went to Compton High, and I MADE something out of the school, it WOULD mean something to me later down the line because I started everything. And FUTURE kids would say, 'DeMar made it here; why can't I?' I WANTED to stay HOME.

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