I don't REALLY think DREAMS have real meaning. Some people believe in that. I just think it's your brain, after a day of CRAZY random pieces of information jumbled together, creating interesting stories. I just VIEW it as entertainment.

Author - Eugenie Bouchard

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10+ Most View Sad Quotes - For Your Success

MUSIC Was The One Thing That Was Just Mine, And No One Could Take It From Me. I Created It, DICTATED It, And It Made Me Not ABLE To Let GO Of It.

I'm Looking Forward To Sproglets But, As I'm The Main Breadwinner, I FEEL I OUGHT To Capitalise On My Career For A Bit Longer. Mother KEEPS Telling Me I Should Go And Freeze Some Eggs. Not Terribly Romantic, Is It?


As A KID, You Don't Have A Ton Of SPACES Where You Are HONORED, Where What You THINK Is Honored And What You SAY Is Revered.


I Auditioned For Quite A LOT Of Films. I Do Not Wish To NAME The Films I Auditioned For. There Were Times When I Knew I Would Not Be Fit For This FILM, Or I Would Not Get This Film. Still, I Used To Audition For It Just To Get EXPERIENCE... To PRACTICE.


I DREAM Of You To WAKE; WOULD That I MIGHT Dream Of You And Not Wake But SLUMBER On.


I Love New York. I First CAME Here With My Mom When I Was In 9th Grade. I Took The SUBWAY For The First Time And The Doors Closed Between Me And My Mom, And I Was So Scared. I Could See Her Through The Window And I Didn't Know What To Do. I Got Off At The Next STOP And She CAUGHT Up To Me, But I Couldn't Stop Crying.

WHATEVER WOMAN I Love... I Gotta Love Her. She MIGHT Be A Hood Rat, But She's Gotta Have RESPECT For My MOTHER.

I LOVE TV, I Love WRITING, But I Love Movements More.


Every Time We've GONE SOMEWHERE, It's Just Been BETTER And Better And GOD's Always Blessed Us For Following.

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