I grew up in a football FAMILY, on the sideline. I was a waterboy. It was KINDA something I was around my WHOLE LIFE.

Author - Chuck Pagano

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Of Course I WOULD Never COMPARE Myself To Someone Who Actually Went Through A War, But I Definitely Matured Shooting 'The Pacific.' I'm More CALM And I Have More PATIENCE.


And Not Only That, I ALSO Have The MacBook AIR Which Is Really COOL. EVEN My Wife Is Jealous Of My MacBook Air.


See, I'm A PISCES, So I Get Down With Love SONGS. I'm TOTALLY Into Slow Jams And Old-school R&B, All That.


I Really Love Hip Hop. My COUSIN Nas CAME Out With An ALBUM 'Life Is GOOD,' And I Love That Album, But I Also Love Maroon 5.


I'm TIRED Of LABELS. This Is My LABEL RIGHT Here: El Cucuy.


People Have CRIED At A Couple Of Shows. To Think That Someone COULD Do That For Me... Jesus CHRIST. That's A CRAZY Sign.


Yeah, It's Tough Being Smart And Sexy, Too. I Have To Say, I'm Really Not That Attractive. Until I MET My Husband, I Could Not Get A Date. I PROMISE You It's TRUE. My Husband Jeff Richmond SAW A Diamond In The Rough And Took Me In.


I Believe That POP CULTURE Is Just, Like, So Ready For 'Watchmen.' We Tried So Hard To Ride That Wave Between Satire And Reality, And All The Things That Make You Still Care About The CHARACTER, But You Don't MISS The Commentary About Them.


The Skill SET That I THINK We Have As Actors Is So COOL Because They Train You In Ways That You Never Thought You'd Be TRAINED. And That's Skills That They Can't Take Back. So As You GO Further In Your Career, You Can Dump All These Skills Into Things.

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