I smoked for almost 10 years. I really REGRET that. Thankfully, I CAME out on the other SIDE. I hope my lungs are repairing themselves now.

Author - Michelle Monaghan

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It Doesn't Matter If I Go On CBS, PBS Or FOX. WHOEVER Is Interviewing Me Is Going To Want To Create Some CONFLICT In The Story, Or It's Not Interesting. That's Just The WAY The News Is.


I Was NEVER BORN To WRITE. I Was TAUGHT To Write. And I Am STILL Being Taught To Write.


Adding SOUND To MOVIES Would Be LIKE Putting LIPSTICK On The Venus De Milo.


The PROBLEM Is Some Of Our Riskier Films Just Don't Make As MUCH Money. But If You Only Make Films That Will Just Be Commercially SUCCESSFUL, Then You Can Also Sink Yourself As A STUDIO.


The FIRST Day, Week And MONTH Of An Employee's Experience CARRIES A Lasting IMPRESSION.


By GOING Over Your DAY In IMAGINATION Before You BEGIN It, You Can Begin Acting Successfully At Any MOMENT.


I AGREE With Sophocles: The Greatest Luck Is Not To Have Been BORN - But, As The Joke Goes On, Very Few PEOPLE SUCCEED In It.


I Thought At The TIME That I Wanted To Go Into Institutional SALES, Selling STOCKS And Bonds To Institutions. In Those Days, Which Was The 1960S, The Institutional Salesman Was Making About $100,000 A Year. I Thought That Was Just An Enormous Amount Of MONEY.

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