I want to keep you forever. You are my most cherished Christmas present. Merry Christmas, my love!

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How PLEASANT It Is For A Father To SIT At His Child's Board. It Is LIKE An Aged MAN Reclining Under The Shadow Of An Oak Which He Has PLANTED.


'Smash Bros.' Features A Slew Of Modes As WELL, But We Didn't CREATE Them All Under The Idea That We WANT Gamers To Try Every Single One Of Them. I THINK It's Just Fine If Gamers Enjoy The Aspects Of The Game They Like. It's KIND Of A Buffet-style Approach.


Because Everything We SAY And Do Is The LENGTH And SHADOW Of Our Own Souls, Our Influence Is DETERMINED By The Quality Of Our Being.

COURAGE Is What Preserves Our LIBERTY, SAFETY, Life, And Our Homes And Parents, Our Country And Children. Courage Comprises All THINGS.

Boston Is An OASIS In The DESERT, A PLACE Where The Larger Proportion Of PEOPLE Are Loving, Rational And Happy.


It Is The PRAYER Of My Innermost Being To REALIZE My Supreme Identity In The Liberated PLAY Of CONSCIOUSNESS, The Vast Expanse. Now Is The Moment, Here Is The Place Of Liberation.


If THOU Wilt Make A Man HAPPY, ADD Not Unto His Riches But Take AWAY From His Desires.


So Many Of Our DREAMS At FIRST Seem IMPOSSIBLE, Then They Seem Improbable, And Then, When We Summon The Will, They Soon BECOME INEVITABLE.

ASK Five Economists And You'll GET Five Different ANSWERS - SIX If One Went To Harvard.

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