In a PURE CAPITALIST system, an institution as moronic and corrupt as Bank of AMERICA WOULD be swiftly punished by the MARKET - the executives would get to loot their own firms once, then they'd be looking for jobs again.

Author - Matt Taibbi

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I FEEL LIKE WHATEVER Is MEANT Is Meant. I Feel Like This Is Already WRITTEN.


Now, An Embryo May SEEM Like Some Scientific Or LABORATORY Term, But, In Fact, The Embryo Contains The UNIQUE Information That Defines A Person.


I Want To Do A MUSICAL MOVIE. Like Evita, But With Good MUSIC.


How ARROGANT - How Very Far From Humility - Would Be The Self-satisfied, Smug Assurance That God, A Tidy-up-after-us God Will Come And Clean Up Our MESS? Hope For A Nanny God, Who Will With A Miracle Grant Us Amnesty From Our Folly - That's Not Aligned With Either HISTORY Or The Text Of The BIBLE.


My Money Goes To My AGENT, Then To My ACCOUNTANT And From Him To The TAX Man.


I Had Been Offered Fellowships To Enter As A GRADUATE Student At EITHER HARVARD Or Princeton. But The Princeton Fellowship Was Somewhat More Generous, SINCE I Had Not Actually Won The Putnam COMPETITION... Thus Princeton Became The Choice For My Graduate Study Location.


There's So Much Diversity Of Opinion Out There, So ULTIMATELY You Have To Listen To It, PUT It ASIDE, And Make What You Want To Make.

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