So is it always nationalist to RESIST US globalization? The US THINKS it is, and wants you to agree; and, moreover, to CONSIDER US interests as being universal ones.

Author - Fredric Jameson

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10+ Most View Forgiveness Quotes - For Your Success


I LOVED That Television SHOW Mad MEN Because It Really Was A REMINDER Of What Reality Was Back Then.


I BELIEVE In LOVE Because I've SEEN It. I've Been There.


I Do What I Believe The Lord Did, And That Is Walk In LOVE With All Mankind, Which I Don't See A LOT Of CHRISTIANS Doing. Christians Can Be So Judgmental That It Can TURN Off People Who Are Considering Converting. It Makes Me A Little Embarrassed, To Tell You The Truth, When I Hear Christians Criticizing Others.


In The LAUGHING TIMES We Know That We Are Lucky, And In The QUIET Times We Know That We Are BLESSED. And We Will Not Be ALONE.


Lovers Of AIR Travel FIND It Exhilarating To HANG Poised Between The Illusion Of IMMORTALITY And The Fact Of DEATH.


Being Diabetic Was Not What I Thought Of As Being NORMAL, And I Feared The Stigma Of Having To TAKE MEDICINE And Having PEOPLE Stick Me With A Needle.


I've Done So MUCH HEALING On Myself, Been Through Personal Hell, Through Hell In My RELATIONSHIPS; My Children Have Been Through So Much, And We've GOTTEN To A Place Of Healing.

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