You can't MAKE a REPRESENTATION and then CLAIM you didn't make it. You KNOW, it just shouldn't work that way.

Author - Judd Gregg

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10+ Most View Wages Quotes - For Your Success


There Are 20 MILLION Unemployed And What Does The Constitution Offer Us In The Europe Of 25, 27 And Soon To Be 30: Policies Of Unrestricted COMPETITION To The Detriment Of PRODUCTION, WAGES, RESEARCH And Innovation.


It Is Probable That For A Long Time To Come The Mass Of Mankind In Civilized COUNTRIES Will Find It Both Necessary And Advantageous To Labor For Wages, And To ACCEPT The CONDITION Of Hired Laborers.


If We Believe In The FREE Market, Then That Leads To The Big Corporations TAKING Power, That Leads To This Competition To LOWER Wages, And That Leads To PRECARIOUS WORK.


I'm Not For The SORT Of TRADE DEALS That Hollow Out Our Standards While They Hollow Out Our Middle CLASS And Middle Class WAGES.


The Fascists In Most LATIN American COUNTRIES TELL The People That The Reason Their Wages Will Not Buy As Much In The WAY Of GOODS Is Because Of Yankee Imperialism. The Fascists In Latin America Learn To Speak And Act Like Natives.


Now, WAGES In The Automobile Industry Are Made Up Of TWO Components, What We CALL Base Rates And The Cost Of LIVING FACTOR Which Is Fed In By The Operation Of The Escalator.


The Cognitive Skills Prized By The American Educational Establishment And Measured By ACHIEVEMENT Tests Are Only PART Of What Is Required For SUCCESS In Life. Character Skills Are Equally Important Determinants Of Wages, Education, HEALTH And Many Other Significant Aspects Of Flourishing Lives.


Globalisation, Technological CHANGE, And The MOVE To Flexible Labour MARKETS Has Channelled More And More Income To Rentiers - Those Owning Financial, Physical, Or So-called Intellectual PROPERTY - While REAL Wages Stagnate.

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There are LOTS of reasons for that gap between MEN's and women's wages but to me, the BIG one is the WORK-family issue. Trying to juggle children and a job is tough under any circumstances, but especially if you're SHOOTING for the kind of career that involves long hours at work and being on call 24-7.

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Educating girls just one YEAR beyond the average fourth grade EDUCATION increases their eventual earnings by 10 to 20 percent. Every additional year of SECONDARY education can increase FUTURE wages by 15 to 25 percent.

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The fascists in most LATIN American COUNTRIES TELL the people that the reason their wages will not buy as much in the WAY of GOODS is because of Yankee imperialism. The fascists in Latin America learn to speak and act like natives.

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Nearly EVERY STUDY shows that competition from cheap foreign labor undercuts the WAGES of American WORKERS and legal immigrants.

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There are 20 MILLION unemployed and what does the Constitution offer us in the Europe of 25, 27 and soon to be 30: policies of unrestricted COMPETITION to the detriment of PRODUCTION, WAGES, RESEARCH and innovation.

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The demographic weight of countries such as China and India exercise a MASSIVE pressure on our wages and salaries. They have ACCOMPLISHED massive technological ADVANCES and the revolution in information technology has reduced the costs of transport.

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I'm not for the SORT of TRADE DEALS that hollow out our standards while they hollow out our middle CLASS and middle class WAGES.

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Policies that PROMOTE better WAGES and better jobs would be super-helpful, and I'm a big fan of PROGRAMS that encourage people to GO where jobs are.

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The cognitive skills prized by the American educational establishment and measured by ACHIEVEMENT tests are only PART of what is required for SUCCESS in life. Character skills are equally important determinants of wages, education, HEALTH and many other significant aspects of flourishing lives.

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What an economy really wants, after all, is not more INVESTMENT per se but better investment. It wants capital to flow to companies that will CREATE value - not in the form of a rising STOCK price but in the form of more goods for LESS cost, more jobs, and rising wages - by enhancing productivity.

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