Author - Amy Lowell

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Posted on 26 Mar 2025, this text provides information on Dreams related to Amy Lowell. Please note that while accuracy is prioritized, the data presented might not be entirely correct or up-to-date. This information is offered for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice.


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I LOST My Father Was I 10 Years Old, And I Always LOOKED For A Father. I MISSED My Father Very Much.

PEOPLE Think Because It's Photography It's Not Worth As Much, And Because It's A Woman Artist, You're STILL Not Getting As Much - There's Still DEFINITELY That Happening. I'm Still Really Competitive When It Comes To, I Guess, The MALE Painters And Male Artists. I Still Think That's Really Unfair.

The Pleasure Of One's EFFECT On Other PEOPLE Still EXISTS In Age - What's Called Making A Hit. But The Hit Is Much Rarer And Made Of Different Stuff.


As CHILDREN We Recognized That We Belonged To An Unusual, EVEN Exceptional, Family, But The Effect Was DIFFERENT On Each Of Us.


There Was A POINT When It All Really Took Off And Got QUITE Overwhelming, EVEN THOUGH I Didn't Realize It.


A Golf COURSE Is NOTHING But A POOL Room Moved Outdoors.


The Comics That Are Just Conversing With You Up There And Drawing On Their Own Life, YEAH, I Guess So. I Guess Some Do POLITICAL Humor, Some Do Topical Humor, But The Ones That I Like, The Ones That Are Appealing To Me, Were GUYS Who Were Just Talking To You About Their Life.

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