LIVING life at a young age is like being a sponge thrust into the OCEAN. You absorb what's AROUND you. If you're around people who are supportive and positive, that's how you look at the WORLD.
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The U.S. Constitution has absorbed the END of SLAVERY, the Civil WAR, Civil Rights and WATERGATE.

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MODERN CULTURE is CONSTANTLY GROWING more objective. Its tissues grow more and more out of impersonal energies, and absorb LESS and less the subjective entirety of the individual.
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If our grazing land was ALLOWED to revert to natural ecosystems, and the land currently USED to grow feed for livestock was used for grains, beans, fruit, nuts and vegetables for HUMANS, this switch would allow the UK to absorb an astonishing QUANTITY of carbon.

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HUMANS, the supremely social mammals, are ETHICAL and INTELLECTUAL sponges. We unconsciously absorb, for good or ill, the influences that surround US.
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On a BUS, your eyes, ears, and pores are open absorbing in the VARIETY, the WONDER, and the MAGIC of the city. It's a wonderful way to get to KNOW the city.

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American society is a SORT of FLAT, fresh-water pond which absorbs silently, without REACTION, ANYTHING which is thrown into it.

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The man who writes for HIRE has an OBLIGATION, if only to himself, to keep an OPEN MIND and to absorb new ideas.

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I've not as yet found one hobby that WOULD absorb me completely when I'm not WORKING, but I have just BOUGHT a new APARTMENT and didn't quite bargain for the amount of effort and time and money that that absorbs.

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The symbolic VIEW of things is a consequence of long absorption in IMAGES. Is sign LANGUAGE the real language of PARADISE?

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The only advice I can give is to absorb as MUCH as you can from as wide a spectrum as you can. If you're in a rock band and only soak up Black SABBATH, LED Zeppelin, and Deep Purple kind of BEGINNINGS, then you're not going to have much leeway.

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Greed, accident, or malice may have HARMFUL results, but, barring something truly apocalyptic, a RESILIENT system can absorb such results without its overall HEALTH being THREATENED.

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We live with INCESSANT MUSIC, all the TIME. It's like some weird musical purgatory, there is ABSOLUTELY no rest for the ears, no space to absorb and REFLECT.

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As I grew steadily more COMFORTABLE in the KITCHEN, I found that, much like gardening, most COOKING manages to be agreeably absorbing without being too demanding intellectually. It leaves plenty of mental space for daydreaming and REFLECTION.

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