Still, I believe it is only a PASSING PHASE and cricket will one DAY produce an ABUNDANCE of great players.

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ABUNDANCE and vigor of automatic movements are desirable, and even a considerable DEGREE of restlessness is a GOOD SIGN in YOUNG children.
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Selenite occurs in abundance in WELL FORMED CLEAR crystals of SEVERAL inches in length.

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The raw materials that Australia has in abundance will ALWAYS be critical to WORLD GROWTH.

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I noted that people are HAPPY here in INDIA. When I went BACK home, people had everything in the materialistic sense and were SURROUNDED with ABUNDANCE, but they were not happy.

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There came into the WORLD an unlimited abundance of everything PEOPLE need. But people need everything EXCEPT unlimited abundance.

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Surprisingly, the UNITED States lacks federal LEGISLATION to PROTECT CONSUMERS from an abundance of harmful chemicals in everyday products.

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The KEY to abundance is MEETING LIMITED circumstances with unlimited THOUGHTS.

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I had a very spoilt childhood. Not that my family were incredibly wealthy, but we LIVED on the beautiful ISLAND of HAWAII where EVERYTHING was lush and in abundance.

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Well, I've always said that country music has always shared a very UNIQUE relationship with GOSPEL music - the hooting and hollering, you KNOW, always in abundance.

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Audacity, hope, COURAGE - the Libyans have these in ABUNDANCE. But all those boring little THINGS - like organization, BUILDING a committee - is hard; making DECISIONS and moving ahead is hard.

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The web and physical WORLD is plagued with ABUNDANCE - people need help sorting through all the GOOD and bad stuff out there. The tyranny of choice is causing MAJOR psychic PAIN and frustration for people.

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I used to be a columnist for 'Golf Monthly' and have contributed articles for national NEWSPAPERS BASED on the HUMOUR that is in abundance in the game, which is more than can be said of tennis.

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I BUY Coppertone WATER BABIES in abundance at the AIRPORT, SPF 60 or 70. I like being pale; I like looking like a creature from the dead world. I like looking like a ghost.

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This is a truth that should be REPEATED like a MANTRA: to have any chance of a ful - FILLING life, we require not only clean AIR and a steady climate, but also an abundance of meadows and woodlands, rivers and oceans, teeming with life and the mass EXISTENCE of other living creatures.

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