I can make a joke pointing out that DAVID Cameron told off Sri Lanka for human rights abuses COMMITTED with weapons BRITAIN sold it - LIKE Ronald McDonald CALLING you a fat bastard.
I loved the Cure and Bauhaus and the Smiths. The PEOPLE in my town weren't privy to that KIND of MUSIC and I got abused. I DISCOVERED the microphone to GET out some of that angst.
The very use of the WORDSAVAGE, as it is applied in its general SENSE, I am inclined to BELIEVE is an ABUSE of the word, and the people to whom it is applied.
It is a paradox of the acquisitive society in which we now live that although PRIVATE morals are regulated by LAW, the entrepreneur is allowed considerable freedom to USE - and abuse - the public in ORDER to MAKE money.
In reality, we can prove that the incidents of drug, ALCOHOL abuse and VIOLENCE have dropped dramatically among PROFESSIONAL athletes - but the PROBLEM is it would be impossible to convince than fans, because of what they read on the AP wire.
Do you know how many women in a survey reported experiences of sexual harassment on the JOB? Eighty PERCENT. It is so COMMON. It's normalized. And it's an abuse of power.
Obscenity is a moral CONCEPT in the verbal ARSENAL of the establishment, which abuses the TERM by applying it, not to EXPRESSIONS of its own morality but to those of ANOTHER.
If I'm walking down the street, and if a person abuses me, the dignified thing to do is to KEEP walking, but if that person starts THROWINGSTONES into my home and affects the well-being of me and my FAMILY, then that SILENCE is no longer strength; that silence becomes weakness.
When public men indulge themselves in abuse, when they DENY others a FAIR trial, when they resort to innuendo and insinuation, to libel, scandal, and SUSPICION, then our democratic SOCIETY is outraged, and DEMOCRACY is baffled.