All the other chiefs and tribes have ACCEPTED the Great LAW of PEACE. They now live in peace with one ANOTHER.

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But I THINK you have to accept - as I have ACCEPTED - that the DEMANDS of TV are DIFFERENT than the demand of book writing.

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Unless I was to play an ACCEPTED CHARACTER from a NOVEL, I won't put on a toupee.

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The INTERNET is pushing us - in GOOD WAYS and in bad - to realize that the official version of EVENTS shouldn't always be trusted or accepted without question.

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My PRIVILEGED upbringing and education and linguistic fluency gave me such proximity to whiteness that it stung all the more to still find myself outside of it. My mother, on the other hand, not only accepted that she WOULD always be an outsider in this country but also believed it to be a FINER FATE and home than any other she could have had.

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When Pep Guardiola ACCEPTED the MANCHESTER City job, he WOULD have asked himself one question about the CLUB's current squad: is this a TEAM that can win me the Champions League?

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I WANTED to be the BEST FOOTBALL player in the WORLD. That was my DREAM. Except in Sweden it's not accepted.

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The danger I faced was not ACCEPTED as REASONABLE grounds for deferring my tax payments, as authorities, who DESPITE being told all of this, still chose to pursue action against me, as opposed to finding an ALTERNATIVE solution.

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Some conservative groups BELIEVE that a PERSON cannot be both conservative and GAY. They believe that traditional LIVES cannot be LED by those who have not traditionally been accepted by society.

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It is a widely ACCEPTED notion AMONG PAINTERS that it does not MATTER what one paints as long as it is well painted. This is the essence of academicism.

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I've PRETTY much accepted the fact that you're going to MEET ignorant people, and that's OKAY. You can't control that. You can't CHANGE that.

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When you're ACCEPTED you don't have to FIGHT for PARTS.

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