You COULD have 20 WINS in a row, and if you lose your next one, you suck now, ACCORDING to how the FANS are.

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Do EVERYTHING according to God, and be nice, and TREAT other people the way you would LIKE to be TREATED.

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From each ACCORDING to his ABILITIES, to each according to his NEEDS.

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Science has yet to isolate the Godiva CHOCOLATE or Prada gene, but that doesn't MEAN your weakness for pricey swag isn't woven into your DNA. According to a new study of identical twins, it's less TV ads or Labor DAY SALES that MAKE you buy the things you do than the tastes and temperaments that are already part of you at birth.

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Everything does not happen ACCORDING to a plan, and you LEARN your lessons the HARD WAY.

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I DRESS ACCORDING to what SUITS me and what I am COMFORTABLE in.

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We are No. 1 WORLDWIDE by quite a margin on the client SIDE and expanding, according to IDC and others, every single QUARTER. Our expectation is that the industry will consolidate and that more of our COMPETITORS will exit.

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I just want PEOPLE to know that WHATEVER decisions are MADE on any issue, I'll make them according to what I BELIEVE is in the PUBLIC interest and my own conscience.

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He is RICH or POOR ACCORDING to what he is, not according to what he has.

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