I NEVER use debit cards. I only use credit cards. This way, if SOMEONE does GET my account NUMBER... and charges $1 million, by FEDERAL law, my liability is zero.

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I've been told by MANY people that if I had a Twitter account, I WOULD be MAKING FIVE hundred thousand dollars more a year.

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HUMAN extinction in our children's lifetime, it should be your top NEWS item every single DAY, what's happening, you should be holding POLITICIANS to account.

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There is a great DEAL of unmapped country WITHIN us which would have to be taken into ACCOUNT in an EXPLANATION of our gusts and storms.

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'Treme' begins after Hurricane KATRINA, and it's a year-by-year account of how everyday people there put their lives back TOGETHER. It's sort of a testament to, or an argument for why, a great AMERICAN city like New Orleans NEEDS to be SAVED and preserved.

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Just to TALK a MOMENT about transparency, of COURSE CIA does have a TWITTER account.

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We can and must SUPPORT our MPs in doing the job they will be elected to do: to hold the government to account in order to do what's best for BRITAIN.

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There's a certain irreverent, POPULIST 'realness' to Donald Trump's much-maligned Twitter ACCOUNT and off-the-cuff REMARKS to the press. His down-to-earth style is out of PLACE in the Washington, D.C. swamp-world of uptight professional POLITICIANS, but that's exactly what makes him so appealing to regular people.

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One of the FUNCTIONS of INTELLIGENCE is to take ACCOUNT of the DANGERS that come from trusting solely to the intelligence.

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Majorities and MINORITIES cannot rightfully be TAKEN at all into ACCOUNT in deciding QUESTIONS of JUSTICE.

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Now it is clear, that if the government can exclude, on account either of their opinions or FEELINGS, any persons thus drawn by LOT, the trial is no LONGER a trial by 'the COUNTRY,' but only by a PORTION of the country.

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GENETIC modification is a very powerful TOOL. But like any powerful tool, when using it, you have to take into ACCOUNT the environmental impact, the food safety aspects and so on. There must be a STRONG regulatory mechanism.

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Everybody knows what leads to a healthy lifestyle, but it's not up to me to give you a blow-by-blow ACCOUNT of what I've EATEN that day. It's not HELPFUL, and it's not what's IMPORTANT.

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A high-speed connection is no more an essential civil RIGHT than 3G CELL phone service or a Netflix account. Increasing competition and restoring academic excellence in abysmal public schools is FAR more of an imperative to minority CHILDREN than handing them iPads.

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It is better, however, for his own REPUTATION that the story-teller should risk a few ACTIONS for libel on account of these unfortunate COINCIDENCES than that he should adopt the melancholy device of USING BLANKS or asterisks.

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