I was born and raised to play RUGBY. I have TWO parents who are hugely proud of my rugby ACHIEVEMENTS, but even they say that MAYBE it was just a platform to give me a voice to do something better, and rugby wasn't what I was all about. Something else was.

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When headlines are only about Shah Rukh, I GET UPSET. There is no VALUE then to what I do. His ACHIEVEMENTS are his, and I have no PART in them. I do what I do.

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INTERNATIONAL politics attracts politicians who talk a good game, but WHOSE ACHIEVEMENTS are OFTEN slender.

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Three decades ago, in a top story of the century, Americans PLACED SIX flags on the Moon. TODAY we no longer TRY for new and bold space achievements; instead, we celebrate the anniversaries of the past.

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Extreme narcissists exaggerate their achievements and talents, and so TRUMP has spent his life BUILDING up a false image of himself - not just for others, but for himself, to protect his DEEPLY fragile ego. He LIES endlessly, not just in the way sociopaths do, which is to con others, but also to delude himself.

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Claire Denis's 'Beau Travail' is one of Denis's GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS. One of the most MYSTERIOUS and BEAUTIFUL endings in movies.

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Unlike the AMERICAN inventions and achievements that have expanded horizons of POSSIBILITY, our NATION's tax code has become an excessive burden that strangles individual opportunity and ECONOMIC freedom.

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I was taught you don't tell your secrets to strangers - certainly not secrets that EXPOSE ERROR, weakness, FAILURE. My generation, like its predecessors, was taught that since our achievements received little notice or credit from white America, we were not to discuss our faults, lapses, or uncertainties in PUBLIC.

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Social Security is one of the GREATEST achievements of the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, protecting our elderly against poverty and assuring young PEOPLE of a more secure future.

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Basic PHILOSOPHY, SPIRIT and drive of an organization have far more to do with its relative achievements than do technological or economic RESOURCES, organizational structure, innovation and timing.

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The acquisition of literacy is one of the most IMPORTANT epigenetic ACHIEVEMENTS of Homo sapiens. To our KNOWLEDGE, no other SPECIES EVER acquired it.

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I cannot SEPARATE my ACHIEVEMENTS from what can be CONSIDERED as the achievements of the ruling PARTY.

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It is only our HUMANITY that can DELIVER US from the BRUTALITY of our ACHIEVEMENTS.

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