Candidates don't have to deal with reality. They talk about the WONDERFUL things they can accomplish as if advocating them is the same as achieving them. They live in a WORLD of POLITICAL make-believe in which everything from reconciling conflicting interests to PAYING for COSTLY programs is easy.

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Californians are blessed with the remarkable LEADERSHIP of Gov. Jerry Brown, who... has led our STATE to FIRM fiscal footing and brought us to the enviable position of dreaming - and achieving - big DREAMS again.

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After doing boxing a LITTLE BIT, I knew that I wanted to achieve what the other boxers were ACHIEVING: the championship and whatever comes with the CHAMPIONSHIPS.

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While DEMOCRATS spent the YEAR of 2019 obstructing, President Trump spent the year ACHIEVING.

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The first generation of the young people of our REVOLUTION took up arms following Comrade Kim Il Sung and fought the BLOODY anti-Japanese STRUGGLE, thus ACHIEVING the historic cause of national liberation.

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Goal-setting and ACHIEVING those GOALS - that's just what I do.

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I think ACHIEVING a HIGHER fiscal STABILITY is also a very important condition for restoring an environment which is conducive to growth.

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I wanted to be a complete PERSON and realised that the well-being of MENTAL HEALTH is extremely important in achieving that.

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From the initial DESIGN stages of 'Sekiro: Shadows DIE Twice,' we had the IDEA of the player being able to move dynamically through a detailed, multi-layered map. We found that a 'shinobi' type CHARACTER was the key to ACHIEVING this in a way that was both realistic and cool.

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The EU has MADE it very CLEAR that for frictionless trade and no tariffs on goods there is a mechanism for ACHIEVING that, but there are consequences. There are trade-offs that will have to HAPPEN.

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I think being a SCIENTIST is a position of respect and power and access, and it's a PRIVILEGED position in SOCIETY. And I think there are fundamental MECHANISMS that keep men and women from achieving the same level of power and access and PRIVILEGE in society.

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China pays a great deal of attention to the KOREAN nuclear ISSUE. We STAND for ACHIEVING denuclearization of the peninsula in a peaceful way through dialogue and consultation to maintain peace and stability of the peninsula and Northeast Asia.

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Retiring for good wasn't difficult. I KNEW at the TIME it was right. I was no longer CAPABLE of achieving the standards I'd set myself and there was no LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.

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I've been at Liverpool for EIGHT years, and the time has come for US to START achieving.

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When I think of Marilyn Monroe, and achieving her SOUND, I think of having a RATHER LARGE bust. I think of her PHYSICALLY and I am just ABLE to create her sound, because her physicality was so much to do with her sound.

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