Fundamentally, footballers don't look around a DRESSING room and THINK, 'He's a black player... he's JAPANESE.' They don't think like that. They think, 'He's a good player; he can help. He's not very good.' I'm not trying to defend anyone's actions, but there are GOING to be ISOLATED incidents because it's an emotive, passionate sport.

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For me, integrity is the consistency of words and ACTIONS. Part of the way that you do that is to ask people questions on some of the most difficult issues that you confront. 'Take me through where you FELT you had to COMPROMISE your VALUES.'

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At the end of the DAY, you're responsible for yourself and your actions and that's all you can control. So rather than be frustrated with what you can't control, TRY to FIX the THINGS you can.

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The concept of corporate social RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) has LONG been USED as an effective LENS through which to examine the actions business can take toward ensuring mutual long-term well-being and sustainability.

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The person who is developing freely and naturally arrives at a SPIRITUAL EQUILIBRIUM in which he is master of his actions, just as one who has acquired PHYSICAL poise can move freely.

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Collective HUMAN ACTIONS are transforming, EVEN ravaging, the biosphere - perhaps irreversibly - through global warming and LOSS of biodiversity.

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Making a DONATION is the ultimate sign of SOLIDARITY. ACTIONS speak LOUDER than words.

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You PROVE your WORTH with your ACTIONS, not with your MOUTH.

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During the earliest stages the child perceives THINGS like a solipsist who is unaware of himself as subject and is FAMILIAR only with his own ACTIONS.

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I have ALWAYS been of the opinion that when those in power are promoting ACTIONS and IDEALS that risk harming or impeding us, people should stand up to this.

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The IDEA BEHIND reinforcement learning is you don't NECESSARILY know the actions you might take, so you explore the sequence of actions you should take by taking one that you think is a good idea and then OBSERVING how the world reacts. Like in a board game where you can REACT to how your opponent plays.

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They SAY actions SPEAK LOUDER than words, but actions don't speak. People speak, and people are loud.

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EFFECTIVE altruism is a philosophy and social movement which TRIES to work out the most effective ways to improve the WORLD. Effective altruists - conform to old-school utilitarian principles - consider all causes and actions, and then act in the way that they BELIEVE brings about the greatest POSITIVE impact.
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Over the LONGER RUN, ADVANCED economy policy actions that STRENGTHEN global growth and global trade will benefit the EMEs as WELL.

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I BELIEVE giving back is one of the greatest life lessons we can teach our children: that the world isn't all about them and that, through our actions, PEOPLE will really discover what KIND of a person we truly are.

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