There have been tons of politicians who were slow to accept equal rights when it meant CHANGES in the established SOCIAL order. MANY eventually came around, admitted they were WRONG, and were forgiven. But the ones who actively choose hate-mongering don't EVER get a pass.

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Our democracy is dependent on people who passionately cherish the IDEALS of a democracy. Every man is CREATED equal with an inalienable right to life, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS. It's a wonderful idea, and it takes people who cherish that idea to be actively involved in the process.

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My father told me about American DEMOCRACY. And he said you have to be actively engaged in the political process to make our democracy work. So I've been doing that my ENTIRE life. Civil RIGHTS movement. The peace movement during the Vietnam conflict. The movement to get an apology and redress for Japanese-Americans.

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There are a lot of THREATS out there. Amazon can enter the travel market. GOOGLE COULD enter the accommodation space. But that is not SOMETHING that we actively focus on.

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I THINK we get used to not seeing the green things AROUND us. I think they BECOME the backdrop of our lives. And I think you actively have to ask SOMEBODY to request that they put that in the foreground.

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China will stay firmly COMMITTED to the BASIC state POLICY of opening-up. We will actively and effectively use foreign investment, improve its STRUCTURE, diversify its form and open up more channels and sectors so as to FACILITATE investment.

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I've been NATURALLY quick at learning THINGS, and I LEARN by doing things, so if I sit beside someone who is actively doing something, I look at how they do it and absorb the WAY in which they do something and find my own comfortable way of reimagining that, or using certain techniques in my own way.

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Punk rock has never really had much PATIENCE with musical virtuosity. ACTUALLY, it'd be more accurate to say that for most of its history, punk has been actively hostile to virtuosity.

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DIVORCE is brutal and HORRIBLE and... you have to actively WORK to get your life back on track.
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When I was in Pulp, I actively did more TV STUFF because that was during the Great Britpop Wars, and it seemed IMPORTANT to PROVE that indie people could speak. That war doesn't exist ANYMORE.

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I LIKE a MOVIE that the AUDIENCE actively has to participate in and not just CASUALLY OBSERVE.

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In the most INTIMATE, hidden and innermost GROUND of the soul, GOD is ALWAYS essentially, actively, and substantially present. Here the soul possesses everything by GRACE which God possesses by nature.

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I work for the GLOBAL FUND for WOMEN, an organization that is actively supporting women's rights groups in 160 COUNTRIES AROUND the world.

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I'm EXTREMELY competitive with myself. But I'm not actively competitive with other women in the business. Which may have been a mistake. I've never had someone in my LIFE, AGENT or OTHERWISE, fighting for me.

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Actively deciding to give to causes that move you DEEPLY is far more fulfilling than the momentary gratification derived from SIGNING a check and mailing it to a nonprofit about which you KNOW little more than what's on the brochure they SENT you.

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