I love working with a set designer because, in MANY respects, you MEET the set designer before you meet the actors. So it's a chance for me as a director to figure out what I'm thinking and to explore how the space is GOING to ACTUALLY be activated.

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I watch a lot of movies. I've WATCHED movies since I was a kid. My DAD brought me to the theater once a week. ALWAYS - it was a must. So I think that INFLUENCED me a lot to be an actor.

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There are two TYPES of actors: those who SAY they don't want to be FAMOUS, and those who are liars.

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For every successful actor or actress, there are countless NUMBERS who don't make it. The name of the game is rejection. You GO to an AUDITION and you're told you're too tall or you're too Irish or your nose is not QUITE right. You're rejected for your EDUCATION, you're rejected for this or that and it's really tough.

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My career has been a roller coaster ride. And EVERY ACTOR experiences that PHASE.

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My favorite actor was, is, MICHAEL KEATON. CERTAINLY growing up, in the movie 'Night Shift' he did something brand new that I hadn't seen before that we all STEAL from now. And then it was in 1987 he did the movie 'Clean and Sober' and 'Beetlejuice' in the same YEAR, and that was when I said, 'Wow, that's what I want to do.'

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