No one has a NAME in 'The Road.' Like Cormac MCCARTHY's NOVEL from which it's adapted, 'The Road' features characters such as the man, the boy, the wife, the old man and the VETERAN.

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I worked initially in very low-budget INDEPENDENT films that I often wrote. My early work was all written by myself, and then I adapted 'Tsotsi,' so I was used to the WRITING process being, in a way, integral to my directing. I FELT it really prepared me.

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A lot of great fighters were amateur wrestlers FIRST and you can STUDY them on film to SEE how they adapted the TECHNIQUES.

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I'm never one to care too much if my WORK BECOMES adapted; I make COMIC books.

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The SPEED with which MODERN SOCIETY has adapted to accommodate the world's vast SPECTRUM of gender and sexual identities may be the most important cultural metamorphosis of our time.

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If you THINK about movies that are adapted from books, they never feel LIKE enough. There's always too much cut out in the END. You either make a five hour movie or you leave out STUFF that should be in there.

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My first BOOK, about Ruby Ridge, was made into a miniseries on CBS in 1996, and since then, I've dabbled in HOLLYWOOD, pitched a few THINGS, sold a couple of screenplays and a pilot that I wrote with a buddy from Spokane, flirted with SEEING 'Citizen Vince' as a film, and most recently, adapted 'The Financial Lives of the POETS' as a script.

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'The STAND' was GREAT. Adapted by Stephen KING from his MASSIVE BOOK.

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When I began playing the lute, in 1950 there were not too many lutenists around. I had to work HARD, writing out music in MUSEUMS and LIBRARIES. It was before the days of photocopying. And I had just PICKED up the lute, adapted my guitar technique to it and went from there.

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Some WRITERS GET snooty about what happens when their BOOKS are adapted to film, but I don't FEEL that WAY.

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It is important to understand how leaders have adapted and thought about war and warfare ACROSS their CAREERS. 'The AUTOBIOGRAPHY of GENERAL Ulysses S. Grant: Memoirs of the Civil War' is perhaps the best war memoir EVER written.

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EARLY in my career, my 3-, 5- and 9-irons performed DIFFERENTLY than my other irons. But I adapted and made them WORK.

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I've NEVER ACTUALLY DIRECTED ANYTHING I haven't MADE up. I've never adapted anything.

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When I first watched 'Coraline,' I thought, 'If that ever got adapted...' If it was done by real actors, I think that would be a really fun THING to do, just because it's a KIND of WHOLE NEW UNIVERSE.

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All you can HOPE for when you get a BOOK adapted for TV is that you get a good ACTOR and not some muppet off 'EastEnders.'

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