If you are of sound MIND and body, MANY exciting and challenging adventures are within your REACH irrespective of your age.

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Then in my early teens, when the HOME computer bubble was blowing, I had one of the first, an Acorn ATOM, and used to WRITE PRIMITIVE adventures on that.

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Breaking dramatically with Bush-era Republican orthodoxy, Trump RAN on a MESSAGE of 'America First' and of avoiding spending BLOOD and TREASURE on adventures overseas.

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Nabokov's ADVENTURES in LANGUAGE and STYLE and NAKED braininess are REALLY unparalleled.

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Ellis's understanding of himself and the world around him CERTAINLY develops because of his ADVENTURES, and PART of that development comes through recognizing other PEOPLE for what they are.

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I don't have MANY FRIENDS. It's not because I'm a misanthrope. It's because I'm reserved. I'm self-contained. I get all my ADVENTURES in my HEAD when I'm writing my books.

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In REAL life, writers tend to be quite BORING, but in our books, we're having EXCITING ADVENTURES all the time.

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I remember going on adventures with my older BROTHER and, when I was 11, being allowed to go to the CORNER shop ALONE, and filling up a bag with PENNY chews, FRUIT Salads, Bruiser bars and Black Jacks.

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When KIDS get stuck on one of our quests, we now have an app for that. It is so cool to KNOW that now kids can use mobile technology to learn more about Poptropica's GREAT ADVENTURES and solve its CHALLENGING quests.

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I hope to keep WRITING JOURNALISM as LONG as I write fiction; it's afforded me such amazing adventures and opportunities. It does take a lot of time, so it's HARD to do both at once, but I try to do a big journalism piece every couple of years, and I'll hopefully CONTINUE with that.

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My MOTHER and father always supported my PASSION for acting. I think they just kind of expected me to move to NEW York and become an ACTRESS and have all these adventures.

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For about TWO YEARS, I was a little WILD. I was out partying, having ADVENTURES.

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I LOVE cars because they can take you on ADVENTURES that you NEVER thought possible.

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I had pretty much accepted the fact I was GOING to be a stay-at-home mom and do my other ADVENTURES in LIFE. I THOUGHT coming BACK to the WWE was out of the cards for me.

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Sterling Holloway, the actor who had originally voiced Pooh, DECIDED to retire in the mid-1980s. DISNEY decided that they wanted to CONTINUE this CHARACTER with their 'New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh' TV series.

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