My trainer, George FRANCIS, used to train a lot of AFRICAN boxers. They're HUNGRY GUYS, man. They've GOT no trainers, got nothing. They're so hungry to do boxing, to make some money.

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When you've got African PARENTS, you go to uni, do finance, and go into accounting. But I'm not good with systems. I DROPPED out in my FINAL year of college to become a Christian poet. Then went back to do my A-levels and went to uni in Birmingham to do POLITICAL science and theology. I lasted 12 WEEKS.

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The very RIGHTS that we supposedly won for African Americans in the civil rights movement no LONGER EXIST for those labeled felons. That's why I say we have not ended racial caste in America; we've merely redesigned it.

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The sprinkling of people of color through ELITE institutions in the United STATES, due to affirmative action policies and the LIMITED progress of middle-class and upper-middle-class AFRICAN Americans, creates the illusion of great progress.

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Let's face it - think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. How many of US really know anything at all about the truly great ANCIENT AFRICAN civilizations, which in their day, were just as splendid and GLORIOUS as any on the face of the earth?

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As an AFRICAN, there are certain professions your FAMILY want you to do or are willing to sign off. Being in the medical professional, as a DOCTOR, pharmacist, a nurse, or being an engineer - those are the only professions ALLOWED!

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The AFRICAN prisoners are orderly and peaceable AMONG themselves.

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The Legislature, which was elected under the CONSTITUTION framed and supported by colored men, declared that a MAN having more than an eighth of African blood in his VEINS was ineligible to office or a seat in the Legislature of the State of GEORGIA.

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The thing that is being lost is heritage. In Africa, RELIGION and ADVERTISEMENT and TELEVISION and MEDIA hype have gotten Africans to where they are convinced psychologically that their own heritage is heathen, pagan, barbaric, SAVAGE, primitive.

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PEOPLE have to realise you don't HELP African children singing along to 60-year-old men PLAYING their tunes from 40 years ago.
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South African LITERATURE is a literature in BONDAGE. It is a less-than-fully-human literature. It is exactly the kind of literature you would EXPECT people to write from prison.

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Maya Angelou, the FAMOUS African AMERICAN poet, historian, and civil rights activist who is hailed be MANY as one of the great VOICES of contemporary literature, believes a struggle only makes a person stronger.

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The REASON that I LIKE to use classical myths as models is because AFRICAN AMERICAN writers and African American stories are usually understood as occurring in some kind of vacuum - because of slavery.

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I wasn't born Austrian; I wasn't born GERMAN. My roots are from AFRICA, and I do not have any reason for not wanting to CELEBRATE that. Every time that I can, I like to kind of mention it, you know, just to keep people sort of knowing exactly what's going on. My FRENCH is pretty good, but I'm still African, thank you very much.

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When a dish works, it works for EVERYONE, WHETHER you're ASIAN, European, African, AMERICAN or anybody else.

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