A few PEOPLE have asked me about the women agenda on country radio. I can only SPEAK for myself on this, and all I have to say is that I'm very GRATEFUL, and THANKFUL, that country radio has been so automatically ACCEPTING, and supportive, of me and my music.

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We can NEVER ALLOW people who USE nondemocratic means, people who use violence INSTEAD of arguments, people who use knives instead of debates, we can never allow them to set the AGENDA.

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Politicians should TALK about sportspersons and SPORTS, and it should surely be in the AGENDA when they GO out asking for votes.

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We need a GOVERNMENT that does not give in to a globalist AGENDA, an agenda I am now convinced seeks to bring American as a sovereign NATION and the middle class to their KNEES.

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YIMBYs should embrace a housing reform AGENDA broader than increasing urban density. This should start with ending tax shelters in the FORM of land conservation easements to cattle ranches and farms that abut suburbs. This would create an incentive for landowners convert them EITHER to new housing subdivisions or to genuinely new natural areas.

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PRESIDENT Trump's AGENDA is enticing BUSINESSES to hire in North Carolina.
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The RIGHT-WING of the Republican party isn't so MUCH a POLITICAL agenda as a plea for help.

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A CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY of literature BEGINS with the same AGENDA of ISSUES that any philosophy of literature addresses. Its distinctive feature is that it relates these issues to the Christian faith.

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I WISH POLITICIANS would put the environment at the centre of EVERY agenda.

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Unfortunately, the OBAMA administration is more interested in furthering its POLITICAL agenda than in FOLLOWING the law.

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'Zakhm' has no POLITICAL AGENDA. But, it CERTAINLY SAYS THINGS as they are.

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RELIGION cannot be the AGENDA of any GOVERNMENT.
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I began to understand that not only was there was a SOCIAL JUSTICE agenda, there was a policy agenda. For EVERY justice CAMPAIGN there was a policy initiative associated with it.

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