I'm a contract computer scientist by trade, but I'm the founder of something called the Tinkering School. It's a summer program which AIMS to help KIDS to learn how to build the THINGS that they THINK of.

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I am delighted to invest in JetSynthesys and JOIN the Board as Non-Executive Chairman. JetSynthesys aims to become the PLATFORM of choice for digital content and experience. We have invested extensively in backend technology INFRASTRUCTURE that is best in CLASS in the world.

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We, as Yale students, pride ourselves on being bright, curious and engaged CITIZENS. We are part of an institution that aims to educate its students to better the world. We tend to think that we do not fit the stereotype of IGNORANCE and APATHY that is all too often ASSOCIATED with America.

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All that a good government aims at... is to add no unnecessary and ARTIFICIAL AID to the force of its own unavoidable CONSEQUENCES, and to abstain from fortifying and accumulating SOCIAL inequality as a MEANS of increasing political inequalities.

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What helps me when SOMEONE puts me down or aims to OFFEND me is to not take what they say PERSONALLY. I TRY my best to not internalize their comments.

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If my poetry AIMS to achieve ANYTHING, it's to deliver people from the limited ways in which they SEE and feel.

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We are in a technological age, and 'Social Music' aims to reflect that spirit of advancement, collaboration and connectivity while still remaining 'HUMAN.' And STAY Human, then, is a reminder of what connects US all. It's our MANTRA.

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Partnerships remain CRITICAL to nuTonomy's SUCCESS, and our aim is to work with groups with whom we SHARE strategic aims and core VALUES. These are partners that are transparent, innovative, and are focused on putting autonomous fleets on the road.

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Mother set impossibly high standards for US, creating tremendous pressures and undermining our ability to ACCOMPLISH whatever MODEST AIMS we MAY have set for ourselves.

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I didn't expect to feel pathos for the villains in our show. I feel quite moved in several of our episodes; I NEVER realized that a show like 'Motive,' which AIMS for a BROAD APPEAL, could have that SORT of emotional impact.

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On immigration, Trump needs an ARTICULATE POLICY that aims to secure the border and keep out illegals while letting in SKILLED legal WORKERS.

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I already have a PET PROJECT called Project SHAKTI and it AIMS on educating women on menstruation CYCLE.

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Everyone KNOWS what Cristiano is like. He is not OBSESSED with beating RECORDS, but rather he aims to help the TEAM to win.

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The health-care law, irrespective of how PEOPLE FEEL about the aims of it - and obviously I don't agree with OBAMACARE - but the worry that some businesses have about how the law will impact their bottom LINE has made people more apprehensive about expanding and growing their business in the 21st century.

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One of my aims was to be paid as well as a plumber. Plumber was better-paid than any performance artist who was always doing this for FREE. It is so important to make a good living from art. You KNOW, John Cage, until he was 60, he couldn't PAY electricity.

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