Alcohol may be man's WORST enemy, but the bible SAYS LOVE your enemy.

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Just as the PROCESS of repealing NATIONAL alcohol prohibition BEGAN with individual STATES repealing their own prohibition laws, so individual states must now take the initiative with respect to repealing marijuana prohibition laws.

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I don't drink alcohol too LATE in the EVENING; I READ a GOOD book.

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Drugs and ALCOHOL can be so DESTRUCTIVE.

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I HATE all adverts for ALCOHOL. They're EVIL. All of them.

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I've NEVER had a sip of ALCOHOL.

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I will say there have been occasional TIMES - not when I'm playing, but when I'm STUDYING - that I have found a little bit of ALCOHOL has been GOOD for the creative PROCESS.

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I USE throat sprays on STAGE, but most of the throat sprays I was using had alcohol or other carcinogens in them, stuff I wanted to keep away from myself. So I started MAKING a recipe for my own throat spray that was more of a NATURAL APPROACH to everything.

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The evangelical Christian FAITH I'd grown up with sustained me. It demanded that I refuse the drugs and alcohol on offer in our southwestern Ohio town, that I treat my friends and FAMILY kindly, and that I work hard in school. Most of all, when times were toughest, it GAVE me reason to HOPE.

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I'm glad now, at age 66, that I never USED ALCOHOL or tobacco... I've buried a LOT of FRIENDS who used tobacco or alcohol.

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One night, I went out with my teammates. I don't drink ALCOHOL, so I wasn't drinking. This GIRL walked up to me; she was talking to me. She was like, 'Why aren't you drinking?' I was like, 'I just don't drink. Alcohol is nasty.' She said, 'I MIGHT have SOMETHING for you.' She went and got a Shirley Temple. Then I was like, 'Ohhh, OK.'

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As LONG as I don't overindulge, it's OK for me to EAT burgers and ice CREAM occasionally. As for ALCOHOL? I've never TRIED it.

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Such lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol CONSUMPTION, little PHYSICAL ACTIVITY and low dietary calcium INTAKE are RISK factors for osteoporosis as well as for many other non-communicable diseases.

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I don't drink alcohol, I don't SMOKE and if I GO out to a movie I LIKE to WATCH things that are MORAL.

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INDIANS have a BIG PROBLEM with alcohol and drugs. I grew up with an ADMIRATION for their culture and was SENSITIVE to their problems.
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