What I LIKE about theater is its TEAM WORK. Theater is ALSO ALL-TIME creativity.

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If future generations are to remember US more with gratitude than sorrow, we MUST achieve more than just the miracles of TECHNOLOGY. We must also LEAVE them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.

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WHEREVER the art of medicine is LOVED, there is ALSO a LOVE of humanity.
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I'm very comfortable with the NATURE of life and death, and that we COME to an end. What's most difficult to imagine is that those dreams and early yearnings and desires of CHILDHOOD and adolescence will also disappear. But who knows? Maybe you BECOME part of the eternal whatever.

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I am what TIME, CIRCUMSTANCE, history, have made of me, CERTAINLY, but I am also, MUCH more than that. So are we all.

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We've overmedicated kids. Quite FRANKLY, some of the overmedication of kids are because welfare moms want to get additional benefits, and if they can put them on SSI through MAINTENANCE drugs, they can also put them on Social Security DISABILITY and get a SEPARATE check. That is WRONG on every single level.

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The SCRIPT is the coloring BOOK that you're given, and your JOB is to figure out how to COLOR it in. And also when and where to color outside the lines.

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The INTERNET gave us access to everything; but it ALSO gave everything access to us.

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We can afford to PAY workers fairly, and it is the RIGHT THING to do. We ALSO need equal pay for equal work.

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For me, everyone has GOOD and bad qualities. I FEEL you MUST not always LOOK at the bad qualities but ALSO focus on the good ones, because we all have flaws.

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The most important factors for a long life, I THINK, are partly in the genes; number two is LIFESTYLE, which includes healthy diet and regular exercise. I walk, run and SWIM every day. However, I think too much exercise is also unhealthy because of over-stress; sometimes people who exercise too many hours per day die EARLY.

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I grew up with the Woodstock generation. I went to Woodstock, and like everybody in my school, I wanted to be in a rock-and-roll BAND, and most of US were. But I also grew up with a lot of PIANO lessons and a lot of classical music training.

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Fifty-nine cents. For years, I wore a button - '59 cents.' Many of my colleagues wore it ALSO. The purpose was so that people would come up and ask, 'What does '59 cents' mean?' One could then LAUNCH into a discussion about how women WORKING full time in the U.S. EARN 59 cents for EVERY dollar earned by men.

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It's the details and the human element that makes 'Recount' entertaining. EVEN THOUGH we know how the election ENDS, it plays like a thriller. It's ALSO funny.

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