I am not excited about Bitcoin. I think it's an outrage that, in an era of global WARMING, there are racks of servers next to the Columbia RIVER. I wish I COULD explain to the salmon that we've created a dam generating hydroelectric power so that we can generate a fake currency.

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Yes, I guess you COULD SAY I am a LONER, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with BORING people than I feel on my own.

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There are things that I am nostalgic about from the 'good old days.' I loved motion control cameras, actually. I LOVE the WAY they sound. I used to do a lot of miniature work, and it's STILL warranted, but it's DONE less OFTEN, largely for budgetary, schedule, and flexibility reasons.

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I am a human being, with FEELINGS and emotions and SCARS and FLAWS, just like ANYONE else.

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I MAY not be where I WANT to be, but thank GOD I am not where I USED to be.

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I'd RATHER be HATED for who I am, than LOVED for who I am not.

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I don't BUILD because I am an ARCHITECT. I can MAKE TRUE ARCHITECTURE because I do not build.

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I'm CENTERED in who I am, and I'm REALLY GRATEFUL. I'm not PERFECT.

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I am a NATURAL BEAUTY. I can wear sweatpants and RUNNING shoes and I stop traffic on the street - people have ACCIDENTS when they drive and they SPOT me.

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