The prejudice is still there, but it's breaking down. You have writers like Michael Chabon and The Yiddish Policemen's UNION. He's a writer who's DETERMINED to break down GENRE barriers. He's done AMAZING things.

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I KNEW I'd just done one of the most AMAZING things that I will ever GET a chance to do. Just to be part of a MUSICAL that's not your background and to pull it off and to think that we've done SOMETHING that's really special.

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I've been very LUCKY; GOD has DONE AMAZING THINGS for me.

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The REAL art is not to come up with extraordinary CLEVER words but to make ordinary simple words do extraordinary THINGS. To use the language that we all use and to make amazing things occur.

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I've gotten to do some really amazing things, gone to some really amazing places, and just have some really unique EXPERIENCES. And if I have one regret looking back it's that - not a regret even, because I THINK that's KIND of labeling depression as something you can control - but I just wish I WOULD have been ABLE to enjoy it more fully.

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If we GET the capabilities, NATO, ALONG with the European UNION, can do AMAZING things.

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Historically, WordPress has been purely focused on the writing side. However, we're thinking about mobile completely differently, and I think there's a big OPPORTUNITY to take the community of creators that LOVES WordPress and deliver an audience to the AMAZING things they're making.

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Sometimes reading other WRITERS helps. You learn some LITTLE technique that turns out to be USEFUL, or simply are reinspired by the AMAZING things OTHERS do.

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There are so MANY AMAZING parts to LIFE, so many amazing THINGS to write about.

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It's one of the AMAZING things about owning a football club, the way you get caught up. It's like SOMEONE has put something in your coffee. You look AROUND, you want to lift the PLACE, hit the ground running.

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I THINK Angelina Jolie has done AMAZING, amazing THINGS, and the international ADOPTION RATE just since her has skyrocketed. It's unbelievable.

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Daniel Cormier is a different CHAMPION. He has achieved some AMAZING things in his career, and for me, it WOULD be very nice to be FACING him.

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I've had a very interesting career. I get to do AMAZING THINGS and work with amazing PEOPLE and TRAVEL and learn languages - things most people don't get the opportunity to do.

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Women's bodies are meant to store fat so that we can do amazing THINGS LIKE have BABIES or ROCK a tight pair of JEANS.

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In pageants, you are evaluated from head to toe and it's OBVIOUSLY all about looks, and as vain as that is, they can also bring you lots of OPPORTUNITIES to do AMAZING things.

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