My observation is that after one hundred and twenty years of modernisation since the OPENING of the country, present-day Japan is split between TWO OPPOSITE poles of AMBIGUITY.

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The novel is a thing of irony and ambiguity. That's at the HEART of 'J', a world that has STOPPED arguing with itself. We have to keep our equilibrium of hate, which is ARGUMENT. But on the INTERNET, you find a unanimity of response, and in 'J,' there's a fear of that, that discourse becomes a statement of political or ideological belief.

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We British and Americans have never been conquered and occupied by the Germans, or forced to make the CHOICE between defiance and COLLABORATION, or haunted by the choices, evasions and MORAL ambiguities that only a defeated and occupied country can FEEL.

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I've yet to MEET a PERSON in my LIFE who doesn't have some MORAL AMBIGUITY.

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One of the THINGS I LEARNED on medical drama 'Bodies' was that actors can't PLAY ambiguity.

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Zombies SORT of typify this AMBIGUITY, that they're not DEAD and not ALIVE.

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To those of US who remained COMMITTED MAINLY to the exploration of moral distinctions and ambiguities, the feminist ANALYSIS may have seemed a particularly narrow and CRACKED determinism.

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One of my favourite FILMS is called 'Lacombe Lucien,' DIRECTED by Louis Malle. The LEAD CHARACTER in that FILM, like the lead characters in many '70s and '80s films, has a moral ambiguity to him.

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Naturally, the reader has ACCESS only to the EVENTS I show and the WAY I show them, but as has been said, there's generally a GOOD deal of ambiguity in that presentation.

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We live in times that are in MANY ways ambiguous. Maybe that's why KIDS WANT precision in what they read - they don't LIKE that MORAL ambiguity.

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A woman of faith is fearless. There is no ambiguity, no UNCERTAIN trump in her LIFE. She can live a principled life because she studies the DOCTRINE and TEACHINGS of a perfect TEACHER, the Master. She is a noble example to all who know her.

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The position is CLEAR - there is no AMBIGUITY in Sinn Fein's position. We, along with all the other parties, have signed up to a reduced RATE of corporation TAX of 12.5 % by 2018.

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I blame my grandfather 100 PERCENT for his oldest son's DEATH. I don't think there's any AMBIGUITY there.

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You know, people who ALMOST - yeah, there's a slight reluctance there - but there's also an AMBIGUITY. What are their morals? What is their CODE of living. What are they really doing here. And it is just interesting because it is NEVER black or WHITE.

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