The men and women of Afghanistan are BUILDING a nation that is FREE, and proud, and FIGHTING terror - and America is honored to be their friend.

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When I was growing up, I don't remember being told that America was created so that everyone COULD get RICH. I remember being told it was about OPPORTUNITY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS. Not happiness itself, but the pursuit.

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If you want to believe that the government's coming for our guns or that being gay is a choice and a sin or that OBAMACARE signals the end of civilization or that CUTTING taxes for rich PEOPLE is the PATH to a better America, that's your choice. I'm never going to believe in any of that.

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The fact is, with every FRIENDSHIP you make, and every BOND of TRUST you establish, you are shaping the image of America projected to the rest of the world. That is so important. So when you STUDY abroad, you're ACTUALLY helping to make America stronger.

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Our top plank really is a Green New Deal to transform our economy to a green economy, 100 percent WIND, water and sun by the year 2030 - we can do it; this is an emergency, and we must do it - but to USE that as an OPPORTUNITY to PUT America back to work, to renew our infrastructure, and to basically assure that everyone has a job.

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We didn't crumble after 9/11. We didn't falter after the Boston Marathon. But we're America. Americans will NEVER, EVER stand down. We endure. We OVERCOME. We own the finish line.

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America's experience, like many others, teaches US that fostering entrepreneurship is not just about crafting the right ECONOMIC policy or developing the BEST EDUCATED curricula. It's about creating an ENTIRE climate in which innovation and ideas flourish.

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The 21st CENTURY is GOING to be the American century. Because we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example. That is the history of the JOURNEY of America.

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The fact that women are paid 73 CENTS on the DOLLAR for work equivalent to work being DONE by MEN is unacceptable in America.

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Walmart has stores in almost EVERY CITY in North AMERICA. When they go to same-day delivery, they don't have to build warehouses across North America LIKE AMAZON has to do. It is so much cheaper for Walmart to use existing stores as distribution centers.

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It's tough to figure out how do we COMPETE in EUROPE and NORTH America, when obviously a living wage for US is very different than a living wage in Indonesia.

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Rejecting the fundamental provision of the Civil Rights Act is a rejection of the foundational PROMISE of America that all MEN and WOMEN should be TREATED equally, a promise for which many Americans have lost their lives.

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My Taiwanese parents came to America with no money and supported my brothers and me as small BUSINESS owners in Orange County, which is close to L.A. but about as FAR AWAY from HOLLYWOOD as you can be.

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Kneeling for the anthem does nothing to advance SOLUTIONS to racial injustice, police brutality, or any other social plight. It is a SLAP in the face to patriotism itself. It is a statement that AMERICA as a country is no LONGER worth standing for.

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Contrary to what those in POWER would like you to believe so that you'll GIVE up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not BROKE. Not by a long shot. The COUNTRY is awash in wealth and cash.

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