Ronaldinho is ANOTHER SPECIAL player, probably amongst the most talented PLAYERS I have WORKED with. At Barcelona, he was outstanding.

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It's an HONOR to sit BACK and SEE people LOVING the things that you did 25 years ago and still be here and be amongst the crowd to receive those blessings.

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We gotta stop FIGHTING amongst each other. I THINK the only rift should be when take it the stage and TRY to out perform each other.

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I think our biggest problem is LACK of real, honest communication between BLACK men and black women. A LOT of men talk AMONGST men, and a lot of women speak amongst women.

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Getting stopped in the middle of the lingerie section, when you're trying to STOCK up on a few things, by an older man who wants a SELFIE is a little BIT awkward... but I don't let that get in the WAY of me trying to do normal things, because that is when I get to interact with people as well. Preferably not amongst the underwear, THOUGH.

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There certainly was a time when I started when PEOPLE LOOKED at me as the secretary to Dr. Buss. Being the boss' DAUGHTER amongst your peers, you gotta show up EVERY day.

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Color is KEY to making your MAKEUP pop and have your UNIQUE look stand out amongst the REST.

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I welcome every chance I get to interact with fans. I've MADE some very close FRIENDSHIPS amongst fans, and I look FORWARD to seeing them.

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Prior to 'Action' and 'Justice League 1,' there was no label 'superhero' for a superpowered being. It's really the emergence of Superman and the Justice League that GETS the PUBLIC comfortable with the idea of PEOPLE amongst us who have extraordinary power and that they've AGREED to be our champions.

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There's an OLD saying AMONGST PLAYERS in football talking about your general manger and COACHES, they speak with a forked TONGUE.

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If Solomon counts the day of one's death better than the day of one's BIRTH, there can be no objection why that ALSO may not be reckoned AMONGST one's remarkable and HAPPY DAYS.

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I EVER will profess myself the greatest friend to those whose ACTIONS best correspond with their doctrine; which, I am sorry to SAY, is too seldom the CASE amongst those nations who pretend most to civilization.

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I was a DC fan; The Flash was always my FAVORITE character. He was sort of the most average GUY amongst all of these icons, EVEN though he had super SPEED, you know?

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When results are SHARED freely amongst the biological COMMUNITY, as has been done for the WORM and the Human Genome Projects, specialist scientists can move MUCH more rapidly towards their goals.

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Germany's amongst my TOP three PLACES in the WORLD I'd LIKE to LIVE.

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