Hardly a competent workman can be found who does not devote a considerable amount of TIME to STUDYING just how slowly he can work and still convince his employer that he is GOING at a GOOD pace.

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The main experiential determinants of moral development SEEM to be amount and variety of social experience, the OPPORTUNITY to TAKE a NUMBER of roles and to ENCOUNTER other perspectives.

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The core of airport fashion is 'not too MUCH.' It is the best WAY to put a SMALL amount of edge to your DAILY, comfortable style.

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I'm DISAPPOINTED that I really haven't been able to RACE in a way that is reflective of the amount of WORK that I have done and how I have trained. But I don't regret giving this a GO.

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I can throw a football all day and my ARM doesn't get TIRED. If I throw a baseball more than a certain AMOUNT of time, it's going to get a LITTLE sore.

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We SPEND billions on international aid annually, but we don't find WAYS to connect people to dignified work. I REALIZED that if we don't think about ways to harness private capital to solve problems, we're leaving LARGE amounts of money on the table and doing ourselves a disservice.

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My WHOLE life, I've been called 'Just a pretty face,' or, 'You'll never AMOUNT to ANYTHING, you don't REALLY have anything to offer, but your looks.' It's never defined who I am, I MEAN, I've heard it my whole life, it's nothing new.

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Every GOVERNMENT has a fixed BUDGET and DEMANDS of all sectors have to be fulfilled in that amount.

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I was one of those dancers who they SAY WANTS to feel the floor through their pointe shoes. I WOULD end up not wearing toe pads and that stuff. I would just wrap minimal amounts of paper towels AROUND my TOES.

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In CREATING the Harry Potter artwork, I try to BRING a certain amount of realism and believability to the CHARACTERS and SETTING, but still add an element of wonder and the unknown.

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OBAMA's drone program, in fact, amounts to the largest unmanned aerial offensive EVER conducted in military HISTORY: NEVER have so few killed so many by remote CONTROL.

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