The most calmest PLACE I can be is the STUDIO. And like, I stay in there 'cause I KNOW, when I COME out, it's back to reality. MAN, if you're angry all day, man, stay in the studio.

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I feel like I'm bipolar. I have my different moods and that. That's why my music exists in so MANY different worlds - this moment I'm FEELING all raw, this moment I'm wanting to TALK to a girl, the next moment I'm wanting to talk about SPIRIT and be deep. Then I'm BACK to being angry.

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I HOPE people don't get angry at me when I do start YELLING and stuff, because I promise you it's all that COMPETITIVE energy, and I want to WIN with EVERY last ounce in me.

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I think with any SORT of rejection, you're ANGRY that you weren't ENOUGH for that PERSON.

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As LONG as I could SING my songs, I wasn't as angry about what had HAPPENED, about being shoved BACK for this or shoved back for the other.

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I exaggerate when I'm angry, but I've NEVER GONE AROUND TELLING PEOPLE things that aren't true about me.

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You can live your LIFE angry, bitter, mad at somebody or EVEN guilty, not letting GO of your own mistakes, but you won't receive the good THINGS God has in store.

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Let GO of offence. Let go of FEAR. Let go of REVENGE. Don't LIVE ANGRY, let go now!

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Identity POLITICS preaches a splintering of one large, collaborative group into COMPETING vindictive ONES - resulting in NEW, angry tribes whose central thesis is to not cooperate.

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He that WOULD be ANGRY and SIN not, MUST not be angry with ANYTHING but sin.

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I was angry and frustrated until I STARTED my own family and my first child was born. Until then I didn't REALLY APPRECIATE LIFE the way I should have, but fortunately I woke up.

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WHATEVER is MAKING you so angry, it's time for you to give it to GOD and GET over it.

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I'm not the perfect PERSON. I'm not the most HAPPY person. I get angry, and I get mad SOMETIMES, but I try my best to control my thoughts. Because that flows throughout your body.

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EVEN if you're an angry, INTENSE person, you also have to have intense JOY about life and intense FEELINGS about the world.

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People expect all WOMEN to REACT the same to pregnancy. But anyone who's been AROUND PREGNANT women knows that it's not all cutesy and SWEET. You spaz out and you're angry and you have tantrums.

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