When you're so PASSIONATE about CINEMA, the idea to DIRECT your own film is really appealing.

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I get asked a LOT about getting into POLITICS. I SAY, 'Take a look at politics. You tell me what SEEMS appealing about that.'

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If I didn't want to fight Carl Froch then I wouldn't have invested so MUCH time and MONEY into appealing with the IBF over the dubious outcome of the first fight.

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They sent me the script and I THOUGHT that there was SOMETHING very appealing and FUNNY about it. Also, I was familiar with MIKE Myers' work in SATURDAY Night Live, but I did not know the extent to which he would make this creation.

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I was not GOING to ATTACK Palin just for being a WOMAN appealing for SUPPORT from other WOMEN.

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Minibars are very appealing, especially when SOMEONE ELSE is PAYING.

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I think of House as a deeply moral character, though some would no doubt ARGUE with me. He does not judge. Beyond his NORMAL tetchiness, there were no more than a half-dozen moments of ACTUAL condemnation from him. He UNDERSTOOD LIES and also why you lied, and there was an absolution there that is very, very appealing.

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Before VAMPIRES were aesthetically appealing, they were PHYSICAL anomalies and ostracized OUTSIDERS whom we banished to the DARK, and they didn't have the APPEAL that they do now.

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I STARTED with JEWELRY when I was probably 24 years old. It was really just in response to a feeling that most of the fine jewelers were men appealing to men and selling PIECES in a very unmodern way. I felt that there was a huge demographic of self-purchasing women who were feeling UNCOMFORTABLE in the TRADITIONAL retail environment.

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All ART is about appealing to EMOTION.

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The unknown is very appealing to me. I like to be surprised. I LOVE the IDEA I MIGHT know less at the end of reading SOMETHING than I do at the beginning.

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I THINK SOMETIMES actors are drawn to good television because you have more TIME to SELL it, you have more time to shape a character, and to tell a story, and that's REALLY appealing.

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I have a strong say in how my BOOKS are marketed, and the COVERS - I am very firm that I don't WANT pink and fluffy, or STICK figures sitting DRINKING cocktails. That's simply not appealing to me.

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'Tattoos' reminds me of where I'm from, and some of the stuff I did when I was growing up. That was one of the THINGS that was appealing about the SONG when I HEARD it the first TIME.

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Personally, I'm not all that INTERESTED in making the SHOW appealing to CASUAL sports FANS.

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