There are so MANY INGREDIENTS that are APPROVED for USE. You can't be an EXPERT on all of them.

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I'm AWARE that not everyone approved of how I played, but I don't think any apologies are in order. Early in my career, I decided that it was worth it to do WHATEVER was NECESSARY to earn the EXTRA split second it takes to make a pass or shoot the puck.

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FOREIGN journalists have to have an APPROVED interpreter assigned them, which they have to pay for, who also ACTS as guide. As an Iranian, even writing for foreign MEDIA, I've been mercifully unrestricted.

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The working out of a balanced economy throughout Germany to PROVIDE the necessary MEANS to pay for approved imports has not been accomplished, although that too is expressly REQUIRED by the Potsdam AGREEMENT.

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Back in 1983, the United STATES GOVERNMENT approved the release of the first genetically modified organism. In this case, it was a bacteria that prevents frost on FOOD crops.

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I've never been the guy to SIT back and wait until SOMEONE approved something I was PASSIONATE about.

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The people of Florida in 2002 voted and approved class size limits in Florida to make sure that the STATE PAYS for smaller class sizes and not LOCAL districts.

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I love having the control over the end result and not having to go through some COMMITTEE to get something approved. I feel sorry for people, like actors, because unless you're Woody Allen or Mel Gibson, they don't have much say in the decisions that AFFECT their WORK.

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I have never DONE ANYTHING in my LIFE that my mother would not have APPROVED of or been proud of.

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As a younger ACTOR you want to be APPROVED of, you want to gain respect, be admired. All of those things. To SAY: 'This is me PLAYING this character. And aren't I FANTASTIC!' I don't feel that so much now.

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Upon this the Hungarian ministers resigned, but the NAMES submitted by the PRESIDENT of the council, at the DEMAND of the KING, were not APPROVED of for successors.

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I don't need to be validated by ANYBODY ELSE; I don't need to be ACCEPTED or approved of for my HAPPINESS.

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I didn't attend the FUNERAL, but I sent a NICE letter saying I APPROVED of it.

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Free speech RIGHTS means that government officials are barred from CREATING LISTS of approved and disapproved political ideas and then using the power of the state to enforce those preferences.

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It has always been my UNDERSTANDING that all OFFICIAL expenses for the U.S. ambassador's RESIDENCE in Dublin have been APPROVED by the State Department.

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