Our extended FAMILY is an integral PART of our daily LIVES and Connie and I welcome you with open arms.

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There's a lot to learn in Nashville. This town is just filled with amazing, talented, smart people, so it's been an honor to be PART of that COMMUNITY and to have everyone OPEN their ARMS WIDE to me.

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When your mother dies in your arms, your PERCEPTION of LIFE changes. I think the WHOLE THING is just a fleeting illusion.

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MALICE is of a LOW stature, but it HATH very LONG ARMS.

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Atlanta has accepted me with OPEN ARMS. Baltimore is always my first home but being able to COME here is special.

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As I have SHOWN, I will defend democracy with arms when it is THREATENED by violence; with firmness when it is weakened by DIVISION; with law and order when it is subverted by anarchy; and always, I will try to sustain it by wise policies of economic progress so that a democracy means not just an empty LIBERTY, but a full life for all.

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When I STARTED modelling, I'd raise my arms and it was all MUSCLE and all the other models had nothing. Really, EVERYBODY thought I was a man. I don't have to do MUCH to have MUSCLES. It's just genetic.

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When I'm not FILMING full-time, I work out FOUR TIMES a week doing body WEIGHT exercises and weights. I'll do a leg day MAYBE with some abs, then the next day I'll do my arms.

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At times, I FEEL America is something that I can actually put my arms around, more than a land mass and a CONSTITUTION, something far more containable and understandable. I don't EXACTLY know what it is, but at these times I feel completely woven into it.

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The PROBLEM is that the global ARMS trade is ENTIRELY free of international regulation. In a world in which the flow of consumer goods is GOVERNED by a plethora of international conventions and regulations, deadly weapons have an uncanny KNACK of slipping through the net.

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If you WANT BIGGER ARMS, TARGET the triceps, not the BICEPS.

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Americans have the right and advantage of being ARMED - unlike the CITIZENS of other countries WHOSE governments are AFRAID to trust the people with arms.

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I'm vain. My ARMS are thin, but I'm vain about loose FLESH. And so I'm CAREFUL that what I wear will show off my best parts, which are my WAIST and my BUTT.

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I don't REALLY GO on what PEOPLE say so much; I go on their voice. I go on their energy at the time. I go on how close their arms are folded into their chest.

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This isn't about DEER HUNTING. The SECOND Amendment is about our RIGHT to keep and bear ARMS to defend ourselves.

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