I like all kinds of music ARTISTS like Akon. I EVEN listen to LADY Gaga.

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THINGS don't HAPPEN in a vacuum, and artists don't make WORK in a vacuum.

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Now that we do not have priests and PHILOSOPHERS any more, artists are the most important PEOPLE in the world.

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EVEN MICHELANGELO got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel. To those artists who say they're doing it for the LOVE of art, I say: GET REAL.

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Not everyone is fortunate enough to earn their living playing. But what draws PEOPLE to art and artists is a desire to enjoy the propinquity of play. For it is the very FREEDOM of the imagination. And what else were we BORN to do, but imagine freely?

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We are so BLESSED as artists and entertainers, and we should use our POWERS to raise AWARENESS of THINGS where we can.

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There are people who help you in LIFE. I've been GIVEN a HELPING HAND, and that's why I feel it's my duty to help younger artists.

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All ARTISTS are redundant about their own STYLE; they can't ESCAPE themselves.

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A lot of people say I tried to emulate Tupac, but when I look back at my career, we're very different artists. I TOOK pages out of Pac's book, of COURSE, and LOTS of other rappers - Biggie, Nas - of course you take pages out of those books, but you eventually make it your own thing. And I think I did a good job of that.

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I've never been able to SAY I've been influenced by a LIST of artists I like because I like thousands and thousands and I've been influenced in some WAY by all of them.

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The NATION that complacently and fearfully allows its artists and writers to become suspected RATHER than RESPECTED is no longer regarded as a nation possessed with humor or DEPTH.

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I was RAISED in South Carolina; I wasn't AWARE of any art in South Carolina. There was a minor MUSEUM in Charleston, which had nothing of interest in it. It showed local artists, PAINTINGS of birds.

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I personally don't like to DRAW a line between 'K-POP' and pop music, but I do think it is a good TIME for K-pop ARTISTS to be shown to the world, because the world is just ready for it.

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I THINK when you GET into your 30s, you start to REALIZE all of the patterns you have in your life and all of the stuff that you're avoiding. It's a terribly unsung period in people's lives. I can't think about many ARTISTS who have sung about it, because it's so not SEXY.

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I sort of came out at the dawn of the INTERNET in the mid-90s and I think it helped BREAK my CAREER. I think I was one of the first artists to really BENEFIT from the grassroots swell that can happen online. I don't KNOW if I would have broken out without it.

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