The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only ADVISE his CLIENT to plant vines - so they should GO as FAR as possible from home to build their first BUILDINGS.

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Now everybody's got a CRAZY notion of their own. Some like to mix up with a crowd, some like to be alone. It's no one elses' business as far as I can SEE, but EVERY TIME that I go out the PEOPLE stare at me, with me little ukulele in me hand.

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As far as I'm CONCERNED, there won't be a Beatles reunion as long as JOHN Lennon remains DEAD.

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I love CHEESE, and I love onions, pickles, and crunchy THINGS. That's as far as I GO with having things crunchy on my burger. I wouldn't go as far as having carrots on my burger. I'll just keep it SIMPLE with pickles and cucumbers and some raw onions.

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Nothing EVER CHANGES as FAR as WESTERNS are CONCERNED. They are the same today as they were years ago.

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Without any formal ORDERS to retreat, what was left of the SEVERAL organizations yielded to a GENERAL impulse to ABANDON the field. Officers and MEN became controlled by the one thought of getting as far as possible from the enemy.

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As far as how I CREATE GAMES, I'm just reflecting what I feel, the THINGS I have in my mind. I put those out there. Some of the things that I'm going through, the things that surround me, might be reflected there. But for me, it's a natural process. I just REFLECT what I feel into the GAME.

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WELL, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not here to LIVE a normal life. I'm SENT here on a MISSION.
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'Playboy' was not a sex MAGAZINE as far as I was CONCERNED. Sex was SIMPLY PART of the total package; I was trying to bring sex into the fold of a HEALTHY lifestyle.

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GO as FAR as you can SEE; when you GET there, you'll be ABLE to see farther.
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Middle English is an exciting FIELD - almost uncharted, I begin to think, because as soon as one turns detailed personal attention on to any little corner of it, the received notions and IDEAS seem to crumple up and fall to PIECES - as far as LANGUAGE GOES, at any rate.

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I prayed every NIGHT that GOD would keep my family safe. But as far as RELIGION goes, I FEEL like EVERYONE should have their own one-on-one with God.

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Being home schooled is AWESOME because you can make your own schedule, so as far as time management, it's up to you how MUCH you get done and when you get it done. It's all GOT to get done; how you do it is up to you. You NEED a lot of self-discipline, but LUCKILY, I have it.

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As far as being satisfied, I just don't think you should work TOWARDS being satisfied. If everybody were satisfied, we'd NEVER get ANYTHING DONE.

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The very FIRST THING I tell every intern on the first day is that their internship exists solely on their resume. As far as I am CONCERNED, they are a full-time member of my team. For all the negative stereotypes about millennials, you would be astounded by how hard they work when they BELIEVE their contribution matters.

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