A lot of ASIANS and Asian-Americans have liver PROBLEMS. If you BASICALLY ASK anybody who is Asian, they or one of their relatives will have some sort of a liver ISSUE, and the liver actually falls into the jurisdiction of the gastroenterologist.

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You can have Asians being leading MEN that are sex SYMBOLS. You can have leading WOMEN powering through.

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In 'Crazy RICH Asians,' SINGAPORE will be SEEN as it should be seen, without CGI, without the altering of the IMAGES to be more Chinese - a representation of Singapore as we know it and LOVE it.

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American policies TOWARD ASIANS reached a nadir in 1924, with the implementation of a law that sought 'to PRESERVE the idea of American homogeneity' and denied admission to the country to most non-whites. Immigration from Asia was banned completely, with the establishment of an 'Asiatic Barred ZONE.'

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Westerners, more than most ASIANS, are prone to FEELINGS of FEAR, self-hatred, and UNWORTHINESS.

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I think that it'd be nice for other ASIANS to SUPPORT other Asian artists and help each other instead of PULL each other down.

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I'm absolutely DELIGHTED because I'm part of the process that has made Asians very much part of the MAINSTREAM fabric of BRITAIN, whereas, when I first STARTED, we were completely on the margin.

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A lot of the PEOPLE who live the lives of 'Crazy Rich Asians' don't SEE the humour of their lives simply because this is just who they are. Even THOUGH I'm from that part of the world, I'm no longer part of that world.

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It USED to be, on TV, you'd see only two types of ASIANS. You'd see the science geek who's using his mobile phone or something LIKE that, or you'd see a very token Asian family - yuppie mother and FATHER and two little Asian kids. It's the last BARRIER for Hollywood.

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'Crazy Rich Asians' may be FICTION, but given the SITUATION I grew up in, I've had an unparalleled VIEW into the very real WORLD it depicts.

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I don't drink at LUNCHTIME because I'm very WEAK at ALCOHOL like most ASIANS.

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You have to laugh at yourself. I do a lot of HUMOR about all ethnicities that are at the show - Latinos, Asians, Indians... What I say is, 'We're laughing TOGETHER. I'm laughing with you, not at you.' Never say, 'Oh, I'm BETTER than you.'

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