We should be very CONCERNED: if identity THEFT is so simple to do, what's to stop me from entering this country and assuming the identity of SOMEONE else for the SOLE purpose of living here illegally for terrorist reasons? That alone would be a CONCERN.

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I don't NECESSARILY write everything as automatically assuming it will be collected, there's NOTHING that SAYS Hitman will be collected, though it might be.

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Travelling the railways of Europe with a century-old guidebook can be disconcerting: fares, food, and DRINK SEEM shockingly expensive compared with what they were; trains and paddle-steamers run to unexpected timetables (assuming they're still running at all); and not only states but whole EMPIRES have been wiped from the MAP.

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I've SAID before I think the best thing about social media is that it BRINGS PEOPLE together and the worst thing about social media is that it brings people together. You're assuming that the people following you know what type of PERSON you are and what type of HUMOUR you have.

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Shortly after assuming his DUTIES at the WHITE HOUSE, Trump hit a home-run by selecting conservative Neil Gorsuch to REPLACE the LATE Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

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If you didn't talk to me to write something, you're just MAKING STUFF up. You're going by what you THINK, what you're assuming. I leave it at that. READ it. Believe what you want. But at the end of the day, if you've got a real question, then just COME up and ask me, and see who I am as a person.

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I won't make shorthand films, because I don't WANT to manipulate AUDIENCES into assuming QUICK, manufactured TRUTHS.

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I just said, casually, 'You know, I passed up on auditioning for EINSTEIN.' And my friend was like, 'You idiot, you have to do it!' She made me do it. I sent the tapes off assuming that SOMEBODY would say, 'HA ha, very FUNNY.'

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Shortly after assuming the ROLE of senior adviser in the TRUMP White House, world leaders began to take note of Ivanka Trump's ability to engage in diplomacy effectively - a skill she has consistently used to HELP benefit WOMEN in the workplace.

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I'm about looking at each of those perceived menacing black men that you SEE in the STREETS all over the place, PEOPLE that you oftentimes will walk past without assuming that they have the same humanity, fears that we all do.

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Piaget is CORRECT in assuming a culturally universal age DEVELOPMENT of a sense of JUSTICE, involving PROGRESSIVE concern for the NEEDS and feelings of others and elaborated conceptions of reciprocity and equality.

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I don't LIKE WATCHING things where I THINK the people onscreen are AHEAD of me or assuming I know something that I don't know.

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Assuming that Iran COULD become the only OIL PRODUCER unable to export its oil is a wrong ASSUMPTION... The United States will never be ABLE to cut Iran's oil revenues.

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I ALWAYS view auditions as the first and LAST time I'll ever do a character, so that's how I like to SEE the joy in it. Assuming I don't ever book this, I GET to play this character this one time and give it my all because I'll never play it again.

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