I WROTE the Dickens book because I loved Dickens, not because I felt a kinship with him, but after writing the book it seemed to me that there was at least one SIMILARITY between us and that was that Dickens loved to WRITE and wrote with the EASE and conviction of breathing. Me, too.
Read MoreEvery woman should ABSOLUTELY own at least one staple SKINNY jean that is a) a dark WASH denim and b) at least 2 percent spandex to have that everyday comfortable wear.
Read MoreOur CONGRESS should stay in session all summer - CAMP out in D.C., and turn off the AC. Put on their stuffiest powdered wigs and sweat it out, until they give in and put their JOHN Hancocks (and their Nancy Pelosis and their John Boehners) on at least one meaningful LAW that no one WANTS to repeal.
Read MoreAudience PARTICIPATION can often inject a dose of adrenalin into your AVERAGE dial-tone literary READING, especially if a handful of audience-members are mentally unhinged, and let's face it - you can always depend on at least one crackpot at these THINGS.
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