Involvement in Afghanistan, I thought, was totally warranted. We were attacked, we attacked back, but after SIX months of being in Afghanistan, I thought we had PRETTY WELL effectively wiped out AL Qaeda.

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We should be able to carry on our careers and be women and mothers WITHOUT fearing that if we show a VULNERABLE side, that will be ATTACKED.

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The BBC will ALWAYS be attacked by whoever is in GOVERNMENT. It is that GEORGE Bush thing of 'If you're not with US you are against us.'

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My books were attacked CONSTANTLY by the Communist PARTY for not hewing to the Party LINE. I have NEVER hewed to a Party line of any KIND.

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Throughout history, groups of Americans have ATTACKED immigrants who fled DANGER and DESTRUCTION at home and arrived in America hoping for the opportunities those of US BORN here are lucky enough to enjoy.

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I am one of the most ATTACKED PERSONS.

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We are DEFENDING our PROCESS, we are defending our REVOLUTION, which continues to be THREATENED, which continues to be ATTACKED.

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I know what it's like to be in the closet! I know what it's like to be BULLIED and attacked because SOMEONE or some group THOUGHT I was DIFFERENT or below them... so, I'm coming out of the closet as an ally of EQUALITY for everyone; as an ally to hope.

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We are seeing people of FAITH being attacked, discriminated against, and LOSING their JOBS because they are speaking out on the MARRIAGE ISSUE.

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I think all of society should be a think-tank where you throw ideas about. I had hoped the Internet would HELP. ACTUALLY, what it has done is make everybody go schtum. They're ATTACKED for saying ANYTHING. So they say NOTHING.

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Not only did I have to face the GREAT Steve DAVIS for 10 YEARS, Stephen Hendry came ALONG, who ATTACKED the balls. He was such an incredible potter with self-belief.

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I'm always giving out such a positive MESSAGE that I NEVER really GET attacked. There's not much you can attack me for.

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Saddam Hussein was undoubtedly a brutal dictator who had attacked IRAQ's NEIGHBOURS, repressed and killed MANY of his own PEOPLE, and was in violation of obligations imposed by the U.N. Security Council.

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I wasn't naive, but at the end of my Miss America year, when two different executives attacked me during what I thought were informational INTERVIEWS about jobs, I was shocked. I didn't see it coming, and the worst THING about it was the shame I FELT, as if I'd done something WRONG.

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Al Qaeda attacked the U.S.S. Cole and bombed several U.S. embassies in East AFRICA in the late 1990s. We knew who did it, but we didn't go after them. INSTEAD, we beefed up SECURITY at our embassies and changed the Navy's RULES of engagement. It only served to embolden Al Qaeda.

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