Our ATTENTION spans have been reduced by the IMMEDIATE gratification PROVIDED by smartphones and SOCIAL MEDIA.

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I am always INTERESTED in that relationship between outer reality and inner desire, and I think it is important to PAY ATTENTION to the inner voice because it is the only way to DISCOVER your mission in life and the only way to develop the strength to break with whatever familial or cultural norms are PREVENTING you from fulfilling your destiny.

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In the SUCCESSFUL organization, no detail is too SMALL to escape CLOSE ATTENTION.

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Digital TECHNOLOGY can be a great resource, but it can ALSO be a pernicious one, so it's how we, as a society, really STUDY the cognitive impact of that and use evidence-based research to GO after the technology designers to do a BETTER job of dealing with the problems of memory and attention we are seeing.

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One of the more noble THINGS the Oscars can do is pay attention to MOVIES no one knows about. Blockbusters don't NEED MUCH help.

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Thank you for LEAVING US alone but giving us ENOUGH ATTENTION to boost our egos.

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GIVE WHATEVER you are doing and WHOEVER you are with the GIFT of your ATTENTION.
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We're LIKE a gardener with a hose and our ATTENTION is WATER - we can water FLOWERS or we can water WEEDS.

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I REALLY don't pay attention to the outside world when I'm incarcerated, because being in prison is LIKE being in a different world. So I don't pay attention to what's GOING on outside of jail, because it's all beyond my CONTROL.

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The FOCUS and the concentration and the attention to detail that flying takes is a kind of MEDITATION. I FIND it restful and engaging, and other things slip AWAY.

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Braggarts are insecure and NEED attention, and BRAGGING OFTEN has the opposite effect on most people when you're TRYING to GAIN their respect and increase your influence.

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The AVERAGE attention span of the MODERN human being is about HALF as long as WHATEVER you're trying to tell them.

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Architects in the past have tended to concentrate their ATTENTION on the BUILDING as a static object. I believe dynamics are more important: the dynamics of people, their interaction with spaces and ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION.

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