I would DEFINITELY say I'm a country girl at heart; I WANTED to MAKE SURE that I established my music first at Country just because that is the ARTIST that I am. But it wanted to spill over into pop too, which I don't have a problem with at all and I think is awesome because it spreads it to a broader audience of people.

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LIKE I ALWAYS tell people, I don't pander to any AUDIENCE, but you have to play to your audience.
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WHETHER you are a writer or an actor or a stage manager, you are trying to express the complications of life through a shared enterprise. That's what theatre was, always. And LIVE PERFORMANCE shares that with an audience in a specific compact: the play is unfinished unless it has an audience, and they are as IMPORTANT as everyone else.
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What I APPRECIATE is acknowledging to the AUDIENCE that I THINK they have BRAINS.

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There is a kind of invisible THREAD between the actor and the AUDIENCE, and when it's there it's stunning, and there is NOTHING to match that.

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I CALL it like the domino theory of reality. If you can go one step at a TIME and it seems to MAKE sense, you can then take your AUDIENCE into an AREA that is relatively outlandish.

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I don't mind playing SOMEBODY who's not likable, or MAKES the AUDIENCE FEEL SLIGHTLY conflicted.

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Can you design a Rorschach TEST that's going to MAKE everyone feel something every time - and that looks like a Rorschach test? It's EASY to show a picture of a kitten or a car accident. The QUESTION is, how ABSTRACT can you get and still get the audience to feel something when they don't know what's happening to them?

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Music has no LANGUAGE barriers and this has been PROVED right SEVERAL times by the Chennai AUDIENCE.

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I always tell YOUNG filmmakers, don't go MAKE a feature. Make a short. When you're ready to make a feature, PEOPLE will tell you. Your friends will tell you. Your fans will tell you. FESTIVALS will tell you. Listen to your audience.

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I think the problem with PEOPLE, as they start to mature, they SAY, 'Rap is a young man's game,' and they keep trying to MAKE young songs. But you don't know the slang - it CHANGES every day, and you're just visiting. So you're trying to be something you're not, and the AUDIENCE doesn't buy into that.

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At MALE strip SHOWS, it is STILL the women that we watch, the audience of women and their eager faces. They are more obscene than if they were DANCING naked themselves.

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So it's one of those THINGS where we have to - our problem is pacing ourselves and still reaching a large enough number of our AUDIENCE. Because we don't WANT to BURN the audience. And we don't want to be excluding ANYBODY.

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Our STRONG SUIT is what we do, and our AUDIENCE.

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I think the cartoons that they're children are watching, particularly 'The Simpsons,' they're OK. I think that the adult AUDIENCE is MAKING much too much of the DANGER that they IMPLY. That's not the CASE. The danger for children today, honey, is the news. Keep them away from news on television.

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