Put TWO or THREE men in POSITIONS of conflicting authority. This will force them to WORK at loggerheads, allowing you to be the ultimate arbiter.

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The voices of MORAL authority in the theatre demanded only punctuality and physical PERFORMANCE. In the light of continuing pressure and STRESS, the occasional lip service paid to moderation was meaningless. Starvation and poisoning were not excesses, but measures TAKEN to stay within the NORM.

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I have as MUCH authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many PEOPLE who BELIEVE it.

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Those who ENJOY responsibility usually GET it; those who merely like exercising AUTHORITY usually LOSE it.

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Anyone who in DISCUSSION relies upon AUTHORITY USES, not his UNDERSTANDING, but rather his MEMORY.

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WAR should only be declared by the AUTHORITY of the PEOPLE, whose toils and treasures are to support its burdens, instead of the GOVERNMENT which is to reap its FRUITS.
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To most of us, adulthood means being able to EARN a living, POSSESS a home, get married and rear CHILDREN, and this implies having autonomy or CONTROL over one's life. In the 19th century, becoming an adult was celebrated as a liberation from paternal authority. Today we regard it more as a time of regret and stagnation.

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Foreign nationals entering the UNITED States illegally who are taken into custody by the Border PROTECTION Corps or by STATE or local LAW enforcement authorities must be promptly delivered to a federal law enforcement authority.

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By liberty I mean the assurance that EVERY man SHALL be protected in doing what he BELIEVES is his duty against the INFLUENCE of authority and majorities, custom and OPINION.

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By ensuring that no one in GOVERNMENT has too much power, the Constitution HELPS protect ordinary Americans EVERY DAY against abuse of power by those in authority.

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The problem for those who assert biblical authority in support of traditional definitions of MARRIAGE is that one could, with EQUAL validity, assert that the lending of MONEY or certain kinds of haircuts are FORBIDDEN by God, or that slavery and the subjugation of women are authorized by the LORD.

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The RESCUE of a PERSON, who is assaulted, or restrained of his liberty, without authority of law, is not only morally, but legally, a meritorious act; for every BODY is under OBLIGATION to go to the assistance of one who is assailed by assassins, robbers, ravishers, kidnappers, or ruffians of any kind.

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My PARENTS are both college professors, and it MADE me want to QUESTION authority, standards and TRADITIONS.

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I GET INVOLVED if a problem comes up after the DEATH has been investigated by the local AUTHORITY.

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