I've ALWAYS expressed myself on GUITAR, and so I LOOK at it as another voice that is available to say what you NEED to say.

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On February 19th, Dr. Collip found that he was unable to refine the extract by his METHOD and was unable to keep up his supply to the wards. During the following SIX weeks, or LONGER, no extract was available for clinical tests. I believe the reason for this to be that Collip, WISHING to keep his process a secret, had not kept careful records.

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On the issue of behavioral HEALTH and the LIKE, the PROGRAM we have in place has ALWAYS been available to FORMER players as well.

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A border collie SAVED me once when I was pinned under a horse in Colorado. And once when I went through the ice, one of my sled dogs saw me GO under, and she GOT the rest of the team, and they PULLED me out of 12 feet of water. I think that dogs offer the only FORM of unconditional love that's available to humans.

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Certainly 'Wonder WOMAN' NEEDED to be MADE, and I'm so beyond thrilled with how it came out. I met Patty Jenkins, and I told her, 'I'm sure you're going to make a sequel, and if you NEED anybody Amazonian, there's ALWAYS me. I'm available.'

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We are all VULNERABLE to the TENDENCY to overestimate the likelihood of vivid, cognitively AVAILABLE RISKS rather than statistically likelier, but less salient, risks.

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If I UNDERSTOOD the great opportunities that are available to women and underrepresented minorities in the field of tech I would have MADE the transition from traditional engineering to the technology field MUCH earlier in my CAREER.

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We can't PLAN LIFE. All we can do is be AVAILABLE for it.

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I want EVERY FILIPINO woman empowered with information REGARDING all options available to her regarding FAMILY PLANNING.

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WHENEVER KNOWN and sufficient causes are available, it is anti-scientific to discard them in FAVOUR of a hypothesis that can never be verified.
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Never once have I thought that SOCIAL SECURITY WOULD be SOMETHING that would ever be AVAILABLE to me.

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I MAKE up my own mind in LIGHT of available facts, with my own experience and a SENSE of personal ethics.

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With all the cable and Internet channels you have available, you have so MUCH OPPORTUNITY. If you want to say SOMETHING, you can say it and have PEOPLE SEE it.

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For my FAMILY, 'black-ish' is the reward on a Thursday EVENING - a day after the SHOW officially airs, when it's FINALLY AVAILABLE to be streamed.

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The revolutionary PROCESS by which all books, old and NEW, in all LANGUAGES, will soon be available digitally, at PRACTICALLY no cost for storage and delivery, to a radically decentralized world-wide market at the click of a mouse, is irreversible.

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