I have written 30,000 WORDS in a month - think of it - 30,000! I hope I am putting the right NUMBER of naughts: an average of a thousand words a day! For THIRTY DAYS!

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With this emergence of big DATA and social MOBILITY, you will, in fact, SEE the DEATH of 'average,' Instead, you will see the ERA of you.

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The average American HUSBAND has relinquished his RESPONSIBILITY as head of his household. Though the wife is partly at fault, he is mostly to blame. I'm not suggesting that women should return to the subservient position before their EMANCIPATION when they were virtually slaves of their husbands. But FREEDOM for women can be overdone.

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Good MANAGEMENT consists in SHOWING average PEOPLE how to do the work of SUPERIOR people.

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A good project but a poor DIRECTOR will always MAKE a mediocre film, but an average SCRIPT and good director can make a good film, as he will put in everything to make the film LOOK good.

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A poll FINDS the average opinion of a GROUP. It takes the temperature of a crowd. A swarm focuses a group together, in real time, and has them work together as a SYSTEM to answer a QUESTION instead.

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Is it average Joes LIKE ourselves who go to the ballot box and truly decide who are going to be the leaders, not only of their PARTY - of their GOVERNMENT - at the LOCAL, at the state, at the FEDERAL level? Is that really who's still in charge?

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I'm not Brad Pitt or GEORGE CLOONEY. Those guys walk into a ROOM and the room CHANGES. I think there's something more... not AVERAGE, but everyman about me.

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